八綋一宇 2019-4-25 01:49:54 此回覆已被刪除


輝雲 2019-4-25 02:12:27 咁你要問教育局做緊乜鳩野
齋藤畢鳥 2019-4-25 02:18:00 crucifixion
有仔扮冇仔 2019-4-25 02:26:14 Mouse: Why the 6 on9 jai sit together on one side
笑騎騎•放毒蛇 2019-4-25 02:28:49
特郎普圍牆 2019-4-25 03:26:19 Jesus fucking crisis
玩污衣 2019-4-25 03:38:14 4個house 班老師都係講P house , S house
離家出走 2019-4-25 03:48:26 Jesus Crisis? 係咪 Jesus Cries 個frd
處女坐處男 2019-4-25 03:50:10 諗起達哥
余文郡 2019-4-25 03:50:20 Don't tell me you think the traitor Judas was a good guy!??
フレッド 2019-4-25 04:00:27 The mouse thought to herself,
Do you think that Judah who betrayed Christ is a good man?


我識你老鼠呀 2019-4-25 04:04:37
我隻狗係弱智 2019-4-25 04:33:07
超時空食菜 2019-4-25 04:37:49 Diu no chinese
無人想理你 2019-4-25 06:56:53
振英送你去大灣 2019-4-25 07:32:45 我英中但偏偏聖經堂用中文

Chef 2019-4-25 08:07:52 The mouse thought to herself what was god’s intention when god created mice as such a filthy creature in his omnibenevolence. And this beard dude having his last supper getting ready to sacrifice his life for redeeming humans’ sins, so no matter how ugly human is, we mice will be always inferior to them even though we’ve done nothing wrong or eaten any forbidden fruits. That’s not fair at all is it?
Chef 2019-4-25 08:15:21 The mouse continues, god even created us mice without giving us the abilities of thinking and having a mind. On top of it, the bigger insult is that the god created humans and their civilisation making the education system to ask a primary 3 student to write about what am I thinking as a bloody mouse. I mean, for fucks sake, god is such a massive wanker..
SSRI 2019-4-25 08:51:05 我都諗起呢條片
莫等待 2019-4-25 09:05:26 Let's talk about Judas, he threw three dollars in the temple..
胡力威(掙扎中) 2019-4-25 09:10:41 小學起碼會識wisdom啦


Oh_Hai_Mark 2019-4-25 09:50:42 The mouse thought to herself...
This magician is going to have a great performance tomorrow. This will affect the whole world and many people will believe in this. I have no eternal life...so I still pick the Romans’ side.
家姐個樣好普通 2019-4-25 10:18:07 It’s raw!
AlecBenjamin 2019-4-25 10:18:51 Jesus?Who?
菲林好好食 2019-4-25 10:44:24 間唔中有呢啲creative writing幾好,放做easter writing
外國好多,好過永遠都寫寫favourite hobby, transportation in hk,個個一樣好悶