訓教 2019-4-24 16:52:03

覺得幾有趣.. 請各位獻技


我唔係屈機男 2019-4-24 16:56:00 Mouse: somebody call the Muslim
假膠 2019-4-24 16:58:39 老鼠安偷食
手長腳長 2019-4-24 16:59:02 己家啲小學生學啲嘢咁深
LV99史萊姆 2019-4-24 17:07:53 The mouse thought : Hahahahaha! I can eat all the food! Then I can eat Jesus to get unlimited life! After that I can rule the mouse world and eat all the humans' food! Hahahahahahahaha!
(choke to death)
夕立製作所 2019-4-24 17:21:25 此回覆已被刪除
HKGhe 2019-4-24 17:33:30 The mouse thought to herself, Jesus must die, because all priests would lose their jobs in the future.
魚柳包走冰 2019-4-24 17:34:31
夢見你夢見我 2019-4-24 17:35:04 老鼠心諗:吱吱吱吱吱...吱吱...吱
堅持不簡單 2019-4-24 17:35:46 唔好講內容
中國城安全妹 2019-4-24 17:36:04 No more hiding. No more suffering


肥仔暉 2019-4-24 17:36:11 黃色嘅猶大
LonelyMoon 2019-4-24 17:38:50 小三功課我竟然有一個字唔識解,雖然估到意思,係我英文太廢定個功課太難
非洲牛肉好食 2019-4-24 17:39:10
the mouse thought to "herself"

mouse: are you assuming my gender???
Pixel首席打手 2019-4-24 17:40:04 what the fuck is crucifixion
LonelyMoon 2019-4-24 17:41:03 係,就係唔識解呢個字,岩岩睇下連個4個house都唔識解
橫屍派趙東 2019-4-24 17:43:59 https://www.facebook.com/902982306534017/videos/318615648869989/?v=318615648869989
哀吾生之須臾 2019-4-24 17:48:05 此回覆已被刪除
你老母唔得閒 2019-4-24 17:56:02 嘩diu,小學仲要分house
Mouse: If Judas did not betray Jesus, then Jesus would not be crucified. If Jesus did not crucify, you are not able to wear the Holy Cross. Hey, you will be unemployed, don’t you be worried?

利申: 校友
油頭毒 2019-4-24 18:08:26 好深呀
Airiel 2019-4-24 18:18:30 The mouse thought to herself...
allah akbar! Then she set a bomb off and killed everyone.


寧波車仔麵 2019-4-24 18:22:23 He shares his flesh & blood with everyone but I can even touch those food on the table...
寧波車仔麵 2019-4-24 19:00:19 The mouse thought to herself... 關我撚事?
紙皮哥哥 2019-4-24 19:03:07 我連果4個house解咩都唔撚知

還敢下來啊冰鳥 2019-4-24 19:05:01 遲d小學三年級都要學微積分了