明日有雨 2019-7-19 10:25:31 如果你花太多的時間思考一件事,那麼你永遠也無法做成這件事。



明日有雨 2019-7-19 14:27:47 Good ideas might be better described as the empty calories...: accessible. tasty, and momentarily satisfying.

——Michael Schrage
大麻除罪化 2019-7-19 14:49:25 thanks,推。
明日有雨 2019-7-19 15:22:34 Experimentation is the least arrogant method of gaining knowledge. The experimenter humbly asks a question of nature.

——Isaac Asimov
明日有雨 2019-7-19 15:27:14 The real measure of success is the number of experiments that can be crowded into twenty-four hours.

——Thomas Edison
明日有雨 2019-7-19 15:27:36 The reason why we are on a higher imaginative level is not because we have finer imagination, but because we have better instruments.

——Alfred North Whitehead
明日有雨 2019-7-19 15:46:14 There really is a lot of overlap between experimenting and investing. Being an experimenter has made me a better investor and being an investor has made me a better experimenter.

——Michael Schrage
明日有雨 2019-7-19 15:54:31 To design is to transform prose into poetry.

——Paul Rand
明日有雨 2019-7-22 23:24:16 Essentially, when we deem a specific object irreplaceable, we signal that as far as our desire is concerned, only this object will do. In this manner, we refuse to participate in the capitalist mentality that tells us that every object is disposable; we refuse to participate in the frenzy of consumption that demands that we float from one object to the next without regret.

——Mari Ruti
明日有雨 2019-7-22 23:41:18 If love were our only source of fulfillment, many of us would+ be chronically miserable, given how often it devastates us.

I've conceded that there's something about the event of love—love not as mere romance but as a wholesale reorganization of being—that may in fact be incomparable.
明日有雨 2019-7-23 12:39:30 And I know that, for me, life is largely a process of repeatedly negating melancholia without expecting to definitely defeat it.


明日有雨 2019-7-24 12:18:49 The whole difference between construction and creation is exactly this: that a thing constructed can only be loved after it is constructed; but a thing created is loved before it exists, as the mother can love the unborn child.

——G. K. Chesterton
明日有雨 2019-7-24 12:22:31 In love, we disappear, we stop the world, we stop being two selves, and become an activity, an open field of sensitivity.

——Stephen Nachmanovitch
明日有雨 2019-7-24 12:40:18 Only when he no longer knows what he is doing does the painter do good things.

——Edgar Degas
明日有雨 2019-7-24 14:10:07 Inspiration may be a form of super-consciousness, or perhaps of subconsciousness I wouldn't know. But I am sure it is the antithesis of self-consciousness.

——Aaron Copland
明日有雨 2019-7-24 14:18:38 For art to appear, we have to disappear. This may sound strange, but in fact it is a common experience. The elementary case, for most people, is when our eye or ear is caught by something: a tree, a rock, a cloud, a beautiful person, a baby's gurgling, spatters of sunlight reflected off some wet mud in the forest, the sound of a guitar wafting unexpectedly out of a window. Mind and sense are arrested for a moment, fully in the experience. Nothing else exists. When we ‘disappear’ in this way, everything around us becomes a surprise, new and fresh. Self and environment unite. Attention and intention fuse. We see things just as we and they are, yet we are able to guide and direct them to become just the way we want them. This lively and vigorous state of mind is the most favorable to the germination of original work of any kind. It has its root in child's play, and its ultimate flowering in full-blown artistic creativity.

——Stephen Nachmanovitch
葉少 2019-7-24 14:45:07 坐在我客廳沙發上的大鬍子下令:「講故事給我聽。」說真的,這情況讓人很不高興。我是「寫」故事的人,不是講故事的。而且就算要寫也是自己想寫,不是聽命於人。上一次要我講故事的是我兒子,那是一年前的事,我講了個妖精與貂的故事,內容現在都忘了,而且他聽不到兩分鐘就睡著。不過今天的情況和上一回有基本上的不同,因為我兒子沒有鬍子,也沒有手槍;因為我兒子好聲好氣求我講故事給他聽,而這個男人根本就用搶的。我努力想跟這個大鬍子解釋清楚,放下手槍比較好,對他對我都好。有把上了膛的槍指著腦袋,要想出故事很難。可是他很堅持,還說:「在這個國家,你想要什麼東西,都得訴諸暴力。」 ...

- Etgar Keret
明日有雨 2019-7-29 22:17:43 No love is as free as the work of love that recollects one who is dead.

M.M.M. 2019-7-30 04:55:53 會寫但唔會出街
明日有雨 2019-7-30 14:26:50 百聞不如一見,百見不如一思,百思不如一行,百行不如一果。


明日有雨 2019-7-30 14:27:17 最近見到既一句係嚟自咩書?


M.M.M. 2019-7-30 14:33:40 祈禱無效處,棒喝必奏效
明日有雨 2019-7-30 23:49:40 Loved every aspect of life, and made every aspect of your life loveable.

——George Gershwin
明日有雨 2019-7-31 17:51:52 if you want her to love you, be a loveable man.

明日有雨 2019-8-3 10:27:30 寫完一個作品之後,如果無法將自己的精神再往上提升的話,就很難寫出下一個作品來。
