iPhone XR 討論區(9)
迷摩黨主席 2019-7-31 00:05:21 同問


拳願阿修成 2019-7-31 11:09:27 Xr2 都係用lcd?
不吃兔兔的女人 2019-7-31 11:22:18 yes
真正連登仔 2019-7-31 11:29:37 等唔切

peN 2019-7-31 11:43:13 此回覆已被刪除
大梵 2019-7-31 13:58:16 手感會厚左,用耐左油就點都有少少,但花痕就唔太覺
身中琪毒 2019-7-31 14:11:06 厚幾多?有冇變黃?咩係水波紋?
ijustine 2019-7-31 16:47:21 買啦
珍寶套餐先至夠飽 2019-7-31 17:01:52 買黑色嘅話,條黑邊冇咁覺眼?
不吃兔兔的女人 2019-7-31 17:17:15 咁你買啦~
八倍 2019-7-31 18:05:10 都係既,睇耐咗就慣啦


大梵 2019-7-31 18:07:00 厚幾好難形容喎
peN 2019-7-31 19:21:21 此回覆已被刪除
飲奶想屙屎 2019-7-31 19:58:05 此回覆已被刪除
2019-7-31 20:02:16 會平一千幾百
ktc 2019-7-31 20:15:20 通常出咗係停產,唔會有平,其他地方買先會有平,但其他地方買而家都有平啦
飲奶想屙屎 2019-7-31 20:22:13 此回覆已被刪除
ktc 2019-7-31 20:23:14 行貨就買得過啦,apple 保養,係咪上台機呀
身中琪毒 2019-7-31 20:48:04 用咗幾耐?無變黃咁勁

水波紋應該係入面有空氣 有冇方法可以整走?
摩西漢堡 2019-7-31 23:57:44 Whatsapp幾時支援Haptic touch
夜櫻 2019-8-1 13:24:36 透明case都有呢個問題, 搞黎都曬氣


prokofiev 2019-8-1 16:23:58 My friend is an iPhone salesman who gets a weekly wage of two thousand dollars plus a thirty percent commission on every iPhone she sells so her job isn’t by commission only. She has to report to her manager on progress every week. By the way, she’s a fan of Jacqueline Wong. Have you heard of the sex scandal involving her and Andy Hui? She was having an affair with Andy who’s married to Sammi. They were without doubt an item. As a result, many people think it’s time for her to hang up her spurs. In fact, her friend Alan hung up his spurs several years ago because of a sex scandal.
終究不是你的 2019-8-4 01:41:27 而家用緊部垃圾機,應該換而家換XR定等9月新機or減價
你大我啊 2019-8-4 01:49:35 急換咪而家 唔急咪等新機 我覺得等到就等
KitKatShum 2019-8-4 01:59:30 一公佈有新機第二日即去士多實買到