[走啦撚撚] AC米蘭球迷討論區 125
叫我蒙隊長 2019-4-25 09:05:58 咁啲膠層都要落地獄啦


因雨而生 2019-4-25 09:06:18 自從早場西波之後就決定唔睇
二石四鳥 2019-4-25 09:08:36 Gattuso: 'Milan were embarrassed'
Gennaro Gattuso confessed “Lazio deserved to qualify and the fans deserved more tonight. Milan were embarrassed” in the Coppa Italia semi-final.

The first leg ended 0-0 in Rome, meaning the Rossoneri had the risk of away goals counting double, but ended up losing 1-0 on the night and on aggregate to a Joaquin Correa counter-attack.

“We held out well in the first half, but after the break Lazio had three chances, we didn’t move enough off the ball,” the Coach told Rai Sport.

“It’s a difficult moment, we’re struggling and have to turn over the page, as on Sunday there is another knockout round type game against Torino.

“We’ve got to try to understand why we are in this negative spell. Lazio deserved to quality and the fans deserved more tonight.”

Gattuso moved to a 3-4-3 system, but created barely any genuine scoring opportunities.

“Sometimes you change just to do something different, to improve the performance, lift the team. Something isn’t working and we’ve been struggling for the last month. I don’t think it’s just physical, but also mental and tactical, as we are performing below our capabilities.

“I don’t think it’s an issue of systems or individuals, but the entire team has taken steps backwards. We’re playing with the handbrake on and paying a price for that.

“We had tried to play a life or death game today, but it didn’t work. There’s no point denying it, we were embarrassed tonight and have to look forward.

“Lazio were coming off a difficult moment too, but we made it easier for them. We’ve got a month left in the season and it is our duty to give our all, to get back on our feet.”
叫我蒙隊長 2019-4-25 09:10:32 全世界looking forward你辭職呀
木豬本櫻 2019-4-25 09:12:18 要個龍門把撚咩 擺部牆入去都輸啦😂
R籮卡卡 2019-4-25 09:12:30 我見Twitter有人叫佢 leave like a man
叫我蒙隊長 2019-4-25 09:13:00 We held out well in the first half, but after the break Lazio had three chances, we didn’t move enough off the ball,” the Coach told Rai Sport.

東城步 2019-4-25 09:13:04 去找卡數啦
木豬本櫻 2019-4-25 09:14:49 我季中講話意杯輸鳩梗仲有人鬧鳩我話我盲反😂
基拉大和 2019-4-25 09:17:18 佢自己當初講咩架,控制唔到隊波會自己走
叫我蒙隊長 2019-4-25 09:18:08 7場1勝


木豬本櫻 2019-4-25 09:19:02 我自己就一向都反對未收咧炒/換教練嘅
叫我蒙隊長 2019-4-25 09:20:43 早幾場先搶完口話自己仲有兩年約
木豬本櫻 2019-4-25 09:21:00 咁今場343唔算環保嘅
但屌佢真係以為自己戰術大師 識閪教3中堅咩佢
霸氣外露 2019-4-25 09:21:55 名宿福利
叫我蒙隊長 2019-4-25 09:23:57 出咩人踢落都係環保戰術
二石四鳥 2019-4-25 09:23:58 又可以名正言順收起Caldara
基拉大和 2019-4-25 09:24:05 一季半有三段7場1勝既教練,下季仲有得做既呢隊波真係算鳩數啦
叫我蒙隊長 2019-4-25 09:24:38 留完力又可以出返波叔踢左翼/右閘
木豬本櫻 2019-4-25 09:26:20 基金佬睇錢份上
叫我蒙隊長 2019-4-25 09:27:20 lmg一齊躝


R籮卡卡 2019-4-25 09:28:22 依場真係好難睇
垃圾級表現, 坐爆主場出局
個教練賽後訪問咁講野, 藥膏仲要比對家叫食蕉
AC米蘭 2019-4-25 09:29:30 此回覆已被刪除
六八九 2019-4-25 09:31:02 留名最後無前四
二石四鳥 2019-4-25 09:33:29 我唯有樂觀啲諗係廢事呢個時間點郁教練