[GetWellSoonBoss] 巴塞隆拿球迷討論區 (296)
上條當麻 2019-4-23 21:50:57 達狗家陣晚晚都出賣兄弟 都唔知屌邊樣好


上條當麻 2019-4-23 21:52:33 無睇過火影?
耿鬼 2019-4-23 21:53:20 steal左部macbook
Deerhunter😎 2019-4-23 21:56:09 你同我細個嗰陣
笑鋒(sold9) 2019-4-23 21:56:41 此回覆已被刪除
新垣結衣係我老婆 2019-4-23 21:57:58 係son要屌黑鬼屎忽
笑鋒(sold9) 2019-4-23 21:59:48 此回覆已被刪除
Deerhunter😎 2019-4-23 22:00:00 從來都無
上條當麻 2019-4-23 22:03:08 痴線 證明左我同你阿媽都無呃你囉
馬斯定旻 2019-4-23 22:05:56 you have ma lucid dream...
醉酒(右閘)._. 2019-4-23 22:06:49 收聲喇中坑


笑鋒(sold9) 2019-4-23 22:08:00 此回覆已被刪除
醉酒(右閘)._. 2019-4-23 22:08:01 馬斯
綠帽朗(八強出局) 2019-4-23 22:20:57
巴狗好廢 2019-4-23 22:32:54 This chart shows how many expected goals a player has, given the amount of big chances he has.

So this is the difference between goals scored and expected goals, which means Messi has scored 13 goals more than was expected of him,while someone like Ronaldo has scored 1 goal less
觀塘美欺 2019-4-23 22:59:33 hobo!
咲庵 2019-4-23 23:03:53 此回覆已被刪除
白石大師 2019-4-23 23:29:38 有無人會暑假去日本睇巴塞
巴狗好廢 2019-4-23 23:37:27 Barça plan on selling André Gomes for no less than €20M. As for Denis, it doesn't look like Arsenal will make use of the purchase option, and his price has taken a hit. The Club plans on buying Cucurella back from Eibar for around €4M and selling him to gain profit. [MD, 🥇]
Deerhunter😎 2019-4-23 23:59:12 Ok u win
上條當麻 2019-4-23 23:59:26 dso踢中超都會嫌廢


Thiago 2019-4-24 00:09:41 只要佢唔好自視過高 非big 6不可
小李阿爸 2019-4-24 01:04:27 此回覆已被刪除
熱巴69 2019-4-24 01:05:37 做一日假巴先
新垣結衣係我老婆 2019-4-24 01:07:20 冇jackto