LIHKG 金鐘某律師樓個HR炒撚左佢啦
魯賓孫 2019-4-18 11:03:31 間firm d 英文廢到咁又九唔搭八
你只係寫話reject 人已經達到目的
點會寫咩 I am XXX 同埋咩unique firm


魯賓孫 2019-4-18 11:09:30 未見過英文水平咁差既law firm
曾俊華(John) 2019-4-18 11:11:39 Cover letter就要人formal有禮
回信就串過馬撚 呢D firm唔做都罷
東東(企鵝) 2019-4-18 11:16:58 We are We are We are We are We are We are We are We are We are We are We are We are We are We are We are We are We are We are We are We are
handtired傲嬌 2019-4-18 11:20:49 想問覺得封信無問題既人點諗
唔請咪唔請 唔使講到咁 同埋啲英文真係wtf...
我仲以為law field既人英文水平要求會好高添
食完你未 2019-4-18 11:23:13 呢間勁過唔少ifirm個豆潤hk office啦
天堂之門 2019-4-18 11:24:54 此回覆已被刪除
K.Mavropanos 2019-4-18 11:27:14 I regret to tell you
祖高域 2019-4-18 11:34:52 點解樓主咁晦氣執著呢間野reject佢? send得一間firm?
詩。朗拿度 2019-4-18 11:37:26 返金鐘office d人都有啲問題
諗唔L到改咩名 2019-4-18 11:50:17 咁撚樣既英文水平


激奮的千層糕 2019-4-18 11:54:22 可悲既係一大堆人睇完仲問有咩問題
不列顛大和隱士 2019-4-18 11:55:17 Tanner De Witt is one of the largest independent law firms in Hong Kong. Founded in 1999 we are an equal opportunities employer and strive to promote a culture of opportunity and success. Hong Kong in its very nature is a region that enjoys a diversity of perspectives, history, culture and outlook; our team and our client base reflect this status quo.

Our core values include respect and fairness towards not only our employees but towards all clients across all practice areas. We do not discriminate based on factors such as gender, sexuality or background and in turn expect that our clients are respectful of Tanner De Witt’s policy of diversity, inclusion and non-discrimination.

佢地淨係會尊重員工同客 其他所有人可以收皮
索絲GAY係受 2019-4-18 11:55:34
麒麟啤 2019-4-18 11:57:52 呢間嘢啲人不嬲西,都幾出名
呢個冰凍的留言 2019-4-18 11:59:15 英文上有咩問題?if u read between the lines the email means you are not a fit for the firm. it's not rude at all.
哥布林殺手 2019-4-18 12:00:52 此回覆已被刪除
沈門明燈KADO 2019-4-18 12:28:05 此回覆已被刪除
Juventus 2019-4-18 12:28:12 ...waa very unique wor on9 firm
cursedraven 2019-4-18 12:30:24 d英文都好unique
高飛猫與加菲狗 2019-4-18 12:32:37 唔請你就要俾你屌?


自己Google 2019-4-18 12:35:28 其實開始自我介紹已經好奇怪
正常signature寫自己title已經夠 唔係長期聯絡寫咁多做乜鬼
跟住第二段話唔請咪得 仲要lucky乜乜柒柒
意大利打手 2019-4-18 12:37:33 此回覆已被刪除
意大利打手 2019-4-18 12:39:45 此回覆已被刪除
HKVDC_2017 2019-4-18 12:58:05 此回覆已被刪除