Ariana Grande討論區(2) - SWT & Coachella 之來臨!
tun 2019-5-7 10:43:10 T-Mobile LED Ring free to the first 1,000 customers entering the venue ($20 USD / 1)


tun 2019-5-7 13:25:59 Ari每次tour要kick親多次
tun 2019-5-7 14:34:58 "Break up with your girlfriend i'm bored" has now surpassed 200 MILLION views on YouTube this is Ariana's 17th video to reach this milestone.

I think it is a little slow for me
伯母個肚腩好撚大 2019-5-7 14:36:12
tun 2019-5-7 14:46:07
ARi 2019-5-7 15:04:44
唔介意等到下年年中先出Asia 嫁 只要佢黎香港
Imbored 2019-5-7 15:14:46 我任何亞洲場都可以飛過去睇嫁
西班牙老母 2019-5-7 16:15:10 佢今次淨係計北美同歐洲嘅場次,都已經多過上次全球嘅場次
唔好侮辱維尼 2019-5-7 20:24:04 算啦

tun 2019-5-7 20:56:26 可能前兩首衝得太勁
但break up仲係hot 100磨緊就算啦
tun 2019-5-8 00:47:58 At least he has taste!



tun 2019-5-8 01:23:16 "7 rings" is the only song by a female artist who has DEBUTED at #1 on the Billboard hot 100 this year so far❤️❤️❤️
arianagrande🦄 2019-5-8 05:18:53 見到ari同bts合照

好驚合作 好憎kpop 啲fans好撚煩
arianagrande🦄 2019-5-8 05:21:04 佢story仲做左lock screen cover
西班牙老母 2019-5-8 08:36:28 未至於討厭,但做lockscreen有啲誇
唔好侮辱維尼 2019-5-8 08:45:29 you are not alone

Imbored 2019-5-8 08:45:50 我諗佢應該做下show 好快換走

吸下d bts fans
西班牙老母 2019-5-8 09:46:38 都似
不過bts fans好煩膠
tun 2019-5-8 13:41:18 我覺得Ari都係表示友好姐
tun 2019-5-8 14:00:29 Ariana performing ‘Monopoly’ tonight at #SWTLosAngeles with Victoria Monét!
tun 2019-5-8 14:06:19 "Thank u, next" is now the most streamed female solo song in HISTORY on Spotify US


likekids 2019-5-8 14:12:11 THANK U NEXT IS EVERYTHING

luckily not 7 rings
tun 2019-5-8 14:13:12 But 7 rings is coming

#1 thank u, next
#5 7 rings
likekids 2019-5-8 14:20:26 等我努力stream tun同no tears堵塞7 rings

tun & no tears really high quality
tun 2019-5-8 14:38:51 你係外國
個紀錄係US Spotify 所以香港stream係冇用的

同埋希望大家可以繼續stream 7 rings
我地就嚟跌出Spotify全球top 10啦
宜家跌到2.6M 一日了