[ORBIT] LOOΠΔ 本月少女討論區 (13) - 是個與本月少女賞櫻花嘅季節
KimTaeYeon 2019-5-9 07:19:29 https://youtu.be/UTB07OMvhjk


隱藏能力者 2019-5-9 10:21:45 有英字都好 之前冇以為唔會有
哞嗚 2019-5-9 20:35:32 聽日下午5點
瀟湘煙雨 2019-5-9 20:41:46 不嬲出完過幾日先有喎
HaSeul 2019-5-10 10:59:27
田姬振 2019-5-10 13:30:01 https://twitter.com/soul970613/status/1126710044446167040
甜心貓寶貝💕 2019-5-10 13:49:50

隱藏能力者 2019-5-10 14:22:00 真。飯
田姬振 2019-5-10 14:31:17 [ENG] When the idols actors were asked whether their members asked about the dating knowledge they picked up from the show, they all firmly said "No."
When asked how they'd respond if a member started dating, Gyuri and Chuu both said "I'd try to talk them out of it."

Chuu got attention for declaring the following: "EVEN IF a knight prince in shining armor riding a white stallion rode arrived at my doorstep tomorrow, I STILL wouldn't date him, because work (LOONA) comes first."
田姬振 2019-5-10 15:05:16 [ENG][Fancafe]
Haseul will not be attending LOONA events in the immediate future for personal reasons.
Haseul apologizes to the fans who hoped to see her, and hopes that the fans can understand despite the sudden news.
We (BBC) will let you know if any more information arises.
HaSeul 2019-5-10 15:07:46


田姬振 2019-5-10 15:10:45 冇講咩原因真係令人好擔心
HaSeul 2019-5-10 15:12:11 會唔會係之前屋企人出事要宜家先可以返去
小狗裕姝 2019-5-10 15:12:25 退團?
小狗裕姝 2019-5-10 15:23:37


小狗裕姝 2019-5-10 15:26:08

小狗裕姝 2019-5-10 15:26:31

哞嗚 2019-5-10 15:35:28 如果返番嚟之後變咗雙眼皮嘅話
田姬振 2019-5-10 15:46:09

HaSeul 2019-5-10 15:47:10 只要佢仲會返黎就可以了
田姬振 2019-5-10 16:41:34





田姬振 2019-5-10 16:45:13



哞嗚 2019-5-10 17:01:49 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBBHcLeFDm8
田姬振 2019-5-10 17:16:35 Chuu真係做番自己咁
田姬振 2019-5-10 17:17:18 第二集好似要DL個APP先得