amd cpu&gpu 討論post #10 睇#1先
Jacksjoke 2019-5-1 13:34:47 AMD: 7nm ‘Navi’ GPU & 'Rome' CPU to Launch in Q3

Offering a brief update on the state of future products as part of its post-earnings conference call this afternoon, AMD has confirmed that both their upcoming Rome (Zen 2) CPU and their first Navi architecture GPU will launch in the 3rd quarter of this year.

As AMD's second-generation EPYC processor, we're expecting Rome to be the big server fight for AMD – whereas first-generation EPYC was mostly to test the waters and prove AMD’s readiness, Rome will be where AMD can finally start winning major customer orders. Overall, AMD says that the CPU will be sampling this quarter and launching in Q3; though if it’s anything like Intel’s server CPU launches, then the ever-hungry major hyperscalers may end consuming all of the initial supply.

Meanwhile Navi is the codename architecture for AMD’s next generation of GPUs. The first Navi GPU, which is also being built on TSMC’s 7nm process, is set to launch in Q3 of this year. It should be noted that Navi isn’t a single GPU, but rather should be a family of GPUs (as is traditional for GPUs), so it’s not clear which exact model is launching – if it’s high-end, mid-range, or otherwise. In other comments on their conference call, AMD did say that Navi will be priced lower than the Radeon VII, but at $699 for what's their most expensive consumer card, this doesn't really narrow things down. Overall, Q3 will be 2 years since AMD’s Vega GPU architecture launched and longer still since Polaris, so AMD’s entire GPU stack is potentially up for a refresh during the Navi generation.

In terms of technology we know very little about the Navi architecture thus far. But if there’s a Q3 launch then this will no doubt soon be changing.


ABC平民 2019-5-1 14:15:37 why? 買左1650?
賣花生的人 2019-5-1 14:19:52 此回覆已被刪除
琴吹七瀨 2019-5-1 14:24:10 唔係仆街到有USD698嘅Navi掛?
屌你都廢撚事 2019-5-1 14:26:07 有啲咩不滿
賣花生的人 2019-5-1 14:27:22 此回覆已被刪除
屌你都廢撚事 2019-5-1 14:28:05 想要navi
Jacksjoke 2019-5-1 15:34:52 rtx 2060 後咩悔
硬件台茶包 2019-5-1 17:04:28 2060個定價幾好啵
歐洲貴族 2019-5-1 18:02:29 用緊1070 想換A卡啊
琴吹七瀨 2019-5-1 18:33:16
遲下買Radeon VII真係要做好大工程


Jacksjoke 2019-5-1 18:44:21 你要上水就要小心剷走果個散熱貼先
琴吹七瀨 2019-5-1 19:31:01 冇心力亦都冇意願上水,我諗我只係摩靚塊金屬散熱面同用washer mod都夠
ENELOOP 2019-5-1 19:32:19
Jacksjoke 2019-5-1 20:05:40
Jacksjoke 2019-5-1 20:19:02 Radeon VII 上 alphacool 一體水 ( 一體水型號 : Alphacool Eiswolf GPX Pro )
化干戈為玉帛 2019-5-1 20:26:47 想問如果要買570邊張最抵屌?
仙女南 2019-5-1 20:29:20 最平個張
Valkyrja 2019-5-1 20:36:48 屌 好撚重喎
ENELOOP 2019-5-1 21:07:52 要加千斤頂先掂喎
賣花生的人 2019-5-1 21:15:24 此回覆已被刪除


天地詩人 2019-5-1 21:25:34 大陸amd驚死散唔到貨,減到勁誇張
Jacksjoke 2019-5-1 21:28:47 VII 果個版本好睇D
賣花生的人 2019-5-1 21:41:58 此回覆已被刪除
Jacksjoke 2019-5-1 23:34:11



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