amd cpu&gpu 討論post #10 睇#1先
power_off 2019-4-26 11:15:06 你哋都話咗係賊船質素問題


ZeroWind 2019-4-26 11:15:50 點知你玩到咁大

XMP 都係寫3200 1.35V
你加多成V 電
power_off 2019-4-26 11:20:44 當年悠二好似同我拉到c17 定 18 1.4v到煲十分鐘機無事

但我返到去自己打機屌 freeze 咗喺度

ZeroWind 2019-4-26 11:23:39 打咩機freeze


同埋freeze 唔係推高電壓去解決問題喇
power_off 2019-4-26 11:24:17 個人認為最大問題係垃圾 amd ryzen imc
power_off 2019-4-26 11:26:59 唔拉高電壓唔通降頻加CL咩
嗰時 gigabyte 唔知出第幾個bios 我至叫做穩定行到

轉咗 msi m7 + 2700x 有好咗但之後開始轉返差
Jacksjoke 2019-4-26 11:29:26 而家m7用緊咩版本 bios ?
power_off 2019-4-26 11:48:34 上年年尾
Jacksjoke 2019-4-26 11:55:33 係咪呢個版本 ( 7B77v13 )?
小泉花陽(得罪EA) 2019-4-26 12:05:58 50週年版個cpu package刻有蘇媽簽名
power_off 2019-4-26 12:15:15 總之就上年年尾,邊記到乜version


Jacksjoke 2019-4-26 13:18:46 2700x 不了 等 VII 和 ryzen 3000系列 50週年版本好過
ENELOOP 2019-4-26 13:30:01
Jacksjoke 2019-4-26 13:36:03 BIOSTAR To Launch Next-Generation RACING Series and Gaming solutions at COMPUTEX 2019


BIOSTAR will be launching its latest gaming, home entertainment, edge computing and smart home solutions at COMPUTEX held in Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center held between May 28th and June 1st, 2019. Key launches this year will be BIOSTAR’s fourth-generation RACING series motherboards for the new AMD Ryzen platform, the full portfolio of system-on-chip motherboards for home entertainment, server PCs, and edge computing, and its industrial motherboard as well as Smart home solutions. Also on show will be BIOSTAR’s latest solid state drives including the M500 M.2 NVMe SSD and BIOSTAR’s latest graphics cards. BIOSTAR will bring a new generation of computing solutions to COMPUTEX, taking gaming, home entertainment, business solutions to the next level.
Jacksjoke 2019-4-26 13:41:01 華為 MagicBook with Ryzen 3000系列 Mobile CPU
Jacksjoke 2019-4-26 19:12:54 Enermax's TR4 AIO 有問題
power_off 2019-4-26 19:32:58 樓豬好勤力推 post
蚊子愛叮人 2019-4-26 20:05:01 想問下 一萬蚊 (唔計顯示卡)想砌部零光污染既機 可以點砌?
主要用途 打機多 玩3a大作 fps game多同直播下打機咁
自己有隻4tb hdd 想用返都係新買
Jacksjoke 2019-4-26 20:15:51 硬件post 果邊問
Jacksjoke 2019-4-26 20:22:06 係 amd post 只會比 amd list
ENELOOP 2019-4-26 20:22:35


Letho 2019-4-26 20:33:39 on99
power_off 2019-4-26 21:17:22 喊出嚟,返到去發覺機都開唔到,boot 十幾次一入windows 即定格,幾經辛苦終於入到,行緊2133
power_off 2019-4-26 21:20:58
power_off 2019-4-26 21:22:06 唉唔理啦,你慌升完會衰得過我而家咩?