amd cpu&gpu 討論post #10 睇#1先
緋村剣心 2019-4-25 13:36:34 姐係對下有餘 但...


Jacksjoke 2019-4-25 13:44:25 買 3600c17 就 ok
Jacksjoke 2019-4-25 13:45:22 [ 廚房佬洩密 ] Ryzen 3200G、3400G 大拆解
AMD 業界良心!!3000 系列 APU 採用錫焊散熱廚房佬洩密Ryzen_3200G3400G_大拆解_AMD_業界良心3000_系列_APU_採用錫焊散熱
仙女南 2019-4-25 13:51:39 3600個對都要1400 咁不如上新蛋買對好啲嘅
緋村剣心 2019-4-25 13:54:07 新蛋好似冇左free ship?
杜蘭特 2019-4-25 13:57:34 8x2 3600c15 千五蚊 free ship
ABC平民 2019-4-25 14:26:56 下年6c12t apu 賣HKD1200 先係業界良心
Jacksjoke 2019-4-25 18:30:00 Asrock Deskmini A300 with Fanless



查看 @FanlessTech 的推文:
power_off 2019-4-25 19:36:14 4266c19 呢咁
Jacksjoke 2019-4-25 19:56:12 呢條 你要識降頻調整Timing
power_off 2019-4-25 20:27:19 4x8 4000c17 vs 4x8 4266c19 你會點揀


Jacksjoke 2019-4-25 20:30:04

4x8 3200
Jacksjoke 2019-4-25 20:56:52 4000c17 /c18
power_off 2019-4-25 21:23:43 有冇勇士升最新 bios 睇下 ram 超成點
Jacksjoke 2019-4-25 21:25:50 果個 Zen2 bios 建議留係 agesa 😂😂😂
Jacksjoke 2019-4-26 08:50:17 New AMD Navi Linux code confirms the GCN design of the new GPUs

AMD has already started dropping Navi driver code out into the wider Linux ecosystem, with a few key code drops in place right now and full driver enablement for the new graphics architecture likely to drop soon. These first little bits of Linux code don’t really tell us a whole lot about the new graphics cards, but do at least seem to nix all the recent rumours about Navi being built on a different design to the current Graphics Core Next setup. So yeah, Navi looks set to be GCN.

The information comes from a report on the Phoronix website, where they uncovered new GFX1010 target definitions and register changes while monitoring prominent Git repositories. The understanding is that, with GFX900-series codes referring to the AMD Vega architecture, that would indicate that the GFX1010 nomenclature means Navi.

These first drops are pretty lightweight stuff, with the definitions including some architectural workarounds and a few new instructions, and don’t really indicate a whole lot by themselves. But the language used in the code seemingly confirms the GCN architecture.


AMD Navi 提交 Linux driver
power_off 2019-4-26 09:09:17 得 3200 咁少
power_off 2019-4-26 09:10:22 如果 4266 c19 仲平過 4000 c17 呢咁?
Jacksjoke 2019-4-26 09:10:52 其實可以上 3466的

x570 等 c8f or msi x570 creation
power_off 2019-4-26 09:12:19 你呢對 ram 本身標榜行到幾快先
Jacksjoke 2019-4-26 09:13:50 d80 3600c17 2x8 + g.skill Trident Z RGB 4000c17 2x8


Jacksjoke 2019-4-26 09:15:59 asus c7h 上 3600 有不穩定 而且 Timing cl18 不如留係 3466c16
power_off 2019-4-26 09:16:48 如果淨用 4000 c17 2x8 可以行到幾多
ZeroWind 2019-4-26 09:17:01 想摸多轉c14
有咩timing 推介
Mesut_Ozil 2019-4-26 09:20:41 此回覆已被刪除