amd cpu&gpu 討論post #10 睇#1先
Jacksjoke 2019-4-24 16:05:23 Asrock A320 ITX [ 冇 Chipset ]


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查看 @momomo_us 的推文:


小泉花陽(得罪EA) 2019-4-24 16:46:45 終於有低端ITX
洛托姆圖鑑 2019-4-24 16:48:52 右下角嗰粒咩嚟

小泉花陽(得罪EA) 2019-4-24 16:49:09 heatsink孔位睇黎又係用左LGA115x嘅孔位
Jacksjoke 2019-4-24 16:58:50 應該我睇錯 chipset chip 來
ABC平民 2019-4-24 19:03:43 jack 巴 2021年會唔會有

zen3, 7nm+, 16c32t, ddr5, pcie5, usb4?
Jacksjoke 2019-4-24 19:24:38 amd 未必 咁快

至少 Zen 3 之後 先改到 Socket
Zen 3 是末代 am4 CPU 依然用 ddr4 + pcie 4.0
Jacksjoke 2019-4-24 19:28:06 AMD Working on DDR5 Memory & “Near Memory

GamersNexus recently received tips from a highly credible source that works at a major memory supplier. We got enough to write several stories, but we’ll start with this one:

Our present understanding is that AMD is working with at least one memory supplier to establish an on-site R&D lab at the company’s Austin campus, which is being used to research DDR5 and develop the next generation of memory. AMD is trying to beat Intel to market with DDR5, which fits the company’s history of pushing new memory standards earlier. ATi also did this with older revisions of GDDR memory.

Separately, we also learned that AMD is working on what they call “Near Memory,” or HBM being used in conjunction with future CPU components. We’re not clear presently on whether that includes desktop CPUs, but we do know that HBM for CPUs is in active R&D, and given Hades Canyon, that’s not necessarily a big surprise.
ABC平民 2019-4-25 01:03:21 Zen

Mirabelly 2019-4-25 07:54:35 前面係咪有巴打要vega56?

ENELOOP 2019-4-25 08:50:30


功夫熊貓掌門人 2019-4-25 09:19:43 未買vga的可以gogogo
Jacksjoke 2019-4-25 10:15:47 AMD Ryzen 7 2700X 50週年包裝盒



查看 @VideoCardz 的推文:
打理架飛機 2019-4-25 10:28:22 有簽名
仙女南 2019-4-25 10:35:23 裝咗cooler又咪咩都睇唔到
仙女南 2019-4-25 10:46:44 個價係咁上下啦 新蛋都係差唔多
Mirabelly 2019-4-25 10:53:32 呢個都有興趣 不過火牛唔夠砌

小泉花陽(得罪EA) 2019-4-25 10:58:30 2021對家仲係玩緊14nm 10C好似係
木耳第n+1號 2019-4-25 11:09:09 此回覆已被刪除
Jacksjoke 2019-4-25 11:14:48 2700x 果個不期待 反而等 R9 3850x 3代 ryzen 50週年果款( 如果有 )
Jacksjoke 2019-4-25 11:17:28 水冷銀色版本


仙女南 2019-4-25 11:30:34 乜都冇改過 加個簽名貴咁多 可能係我呢啲窮人唔識欣賞
Mirabelly 2019-4-25 11:40:07 今朝睇仲有貨
緋村剣心 2019-4-25 13:11:47 姐係條d80係假 ***b晶片粒?
但都係等出左再買ram 廢事跟車太貼
Jacksjoke 2019-4-25 13:33:42 d80 3200 係 b die 但是 大廠挑選過後剩餘果D