閱乳殘片 2019-4-25 08:05:13 除非佢經理人唔係條8婆做


M.Politano 2019-4-25 10:48:05 此回覆已被刪除
轆已甩 2019-4-25 11:02:04 我情願吉左個教頭位
古亞連 2019-4-25 11:48:01 If Mauro Icardi is to leave Inter in the upcoming Summer transfer window it will only be in a swap deal according to Sky Sport journalist Gianluca Di Marzio.

“Because of the events that have happened this year between the Nerazzurri and the former captain, the hypotheses regarding his future are open,” he said.

“All the clubs know that Maurito is easier to reach than in the past and I believe that a possible transfer away from Inter can only be done through a swap deal.

“It is hard for any club to come up with the money [to meet his €110 million release clause]. It is complicated for someone like Napoli due to the salary the Argentine receives.

“It is the same situation for Cavani, whose €12 million net salary would blow up the Inter wage structure. If I were to give a concrete exchange, I would say that Manchester United’s Romelu Lukaku
古亞連 2019-4-25 11:57:09 Sky Sport Italia journalist and revered transfer market expert Gianluca Di Marzio has shared his views on the managerial situation at Inter.

For a number of months now, current Nerazzurri manager Luciano Spalletti’s future at the club has been in doubt with several reports suggesting Inter are ready to sack him in favour of bringing in a top name coach.

Among the names linked is Antonio Conte, the former Italian national team manager, who was most recently in charge at Chelsea and has been out of work since last Summer.

“Inter have not decided who will be the coach next season,” Di Marzio began as he spoke on Sky Sport.

“They must choose between Luciano Spalletti, who has a good chance of staying, or go down the Conte route.”

It is not just Di Marzio holds this view with there being multiple reports out there that have also suggested Spalletti’s chances of remaining at the helm are growing increasingly likely
極地藍 2019-4-25 12:05:42 有鬼人會出110m咩,如果要Lukaku 我寧願要Icardi, 最少佢真係愛國米。
鳳凰飛歷 2019-4-25 12:40:21 KEEP住傳買迪清高我真係驚佢留低
是但貓 2019-4-25 16:12:12 光頭走唔走伊卡迪都唔應該留,不過我覺得最後都係賣唔出留隊,其實睇市場反應就知道伊卡迪有冇價值,唔好話110m,就當70m先,倒返轉角色諗如果你係畀得出70m嘅球會,你又會唔會用70m買佢?70m話平唔平話貴唔貴,大球會一上就上啲天價頂級球員,佢哋未必會肯買冇咩商機嘅球員,一係寧願高價買有潛力嘅靚仔,伊卡迪實力唔係頂級,負面新聞又多,同球迷成日不和仲要買佢送八婆,商機基本上係冇乜,論踢法,大部份畀得出70m買伊卡迪嘅球會都係踢傳控,無嗱嗱做乜買個要等餵嘅前鋒,老實講如果你話而家70m放勞馬我信有人接貨,但係70m放伊卡迪未必有人接
古亞連 2019-4-25 16:16:01 係咪得我一個覺得換盧卡古冇咩問題
是但貓 2019-4-25 16:24:29 自己唔啱用咪唯有換貨,我亦都相信伊卡迪如果轉會轉得成九成九都係換貨,所以我其實唔介意換盧卡古,如果自己用唔著咁咪唯有換,不過最好當然換戴巴拿
JJ_Zanetti 2019-4-25 16:29:52 如果玩 9981斬,我都覺得冇問題,渣古打柱躉+ LM 影子,而且 LM heading 都OK

不過前提係換領隊又會打 X-X-1-1 陣先


極地藍 2019-4-25 17:25:31 如果打 X-X-1-1 ,LKK同I9真係無乜分別,最斃係光頭唔會咁用囉,死都要LM做I9嘢
M.Politano 2019-4-25 17:47:34 此回覆已被刪除
金信 2019-4-25 18:08:15 我都想講
極地藍 2019-4-25 18:26:04 唔支持渣古換I9
古亞連 2019-4-25 19:43:45 老老豆豆,盧卡古技術係粗糙啲,但佢都有優點,雖然大大隻隻但都跑得吓,同埋傳中唔差

古亞連 2019-4-25 19:44:18 盧卡古:終有一日會踢意甲,同弟弟重聚
Lucio 2019-4-25 19:45:10 盧卡古最弱智係而家仲大大隻但好似驚人咁
唔知係戰術問題定點 佢成日走去邊線同人一對一
極地藍 2019-4-25 20:20:56 所以I9要夾LM,打雙箭頭係最佳方案
M.Politano 2019-4-25 20:22:12 此回覆已被刪除
M.Politano 2019-4-25 20:32:59 此回覆已被刪除


古亞連 2019-4-25 20:42:32 拿玻里未必滿足到伊卡迪薪金要求
古亞連 2019-4-25 20:46:38 至於戰術層面上,如果史巴列堤留任,放一個大件頭中鋒撞撞吓,分分鐘有效過伊卡迪,所以先傳zapata同dzeko。
Tinder出奇蛋 2019-4-25 21:01:41 Icardi愛國米
八蚊三件 2019-4-26 01:26:47 Lkk 打target man?
唔好比fifa 既佢呃左