[願洛賓早日再落場] 拜仁球迷討論區 參拾伍
ZackyVengeance 2019-4-9 13:03:01 多好似內亂


迷鳩陽菜 2019-4-9 15:59:35 https://footballlive.ng/mario-gomez-reveals-formal-super-eagles-midfielder-jay-jay-okocha-as-his-childhood-hero/

[url][url]Mario Gómez Reveals Formal Super Eagles Midfielder Jay Jay Okocha As His Childhood Hero[/url][/url]

German Striker, Mario Gomes (垃圾新聞打錯字
) reveals Former Super Eagles Midfielder Jay-Jay Okocha as his childhood hero while growing up and when he was playing with Frankfurt in Germany.

The 33-year-old Gomez who had a legendary career with the German national team and across several top teams in Europe has revealed his admiration for Okocha which started at a young age.

Mario stated that his parents assumed a coaching role directing him where to score.

He shared his childhood experience and he said: “I was four years old and I didn’t really know what I was doing.

All I knew was that I had the ball at my feet and I wanted to score a goal, so I started dribbling up the field and all my teammates began to yell my name.

He stated that when he began, he was passionate to play the game even when he did not understand the rules and relegation.
James奔 2019-4-9 16:14:53 肥鳩本人都迷埋晒啲非洲冷門名宿
LucasHernandez 2019-4-9 16:24:52 都唔算冷嘅呢個
LucasHernandez 2019-4-9 16:27:04 如果唔留占
哥列茲卡 2019-4-9 16:41:57 此回覆已被刪除
迷鳩陽菜 2019-4-9 16:59:02 超扭得
ZackyVengeance 2019-4-9 16:59:39 簡尼訓低左廿次都有
J.Bernat 2019-4-9 18:43:29 同CHING一樣
哥列茲卡 2019-4-9 19:24:28 此回覆已被刪除
O.KAHN 2019-4-9 19:38:40


迷鳩陽菜 2019-4-10 02:02:00
哥列茲卡 2019-4-10 02:02:27 此回覆已被刪除
迷鳩陽菜 2019-4-10 02:02:56 Dllm
小嶋陽菜 2019-4-10 09:27:57 死肥鳩轉返名啦屌
James奔 2019-4-10 09:32:19

小嶋陽菜 2019-4-10 09:35:25 拜區最高質會員:軒歷基斯、James奔、牙泥、我
James奔 2019-4-10 09:41:27 肥鳩唔迷鳩嗰陣個人其實都有紋有路

迷鳩陽菜 2019-4-10 10:08:07
迷鳩陽菜 2019-4-10 10:10:29 得罪講句好難搵到好似me咁有代表性既前鋒
迷鳩陽菜 2019-4-10 10:10:39 Agger


O.KAHN 2019-4-10 10:18:52 好眉好貌生沙蝨既代表
James奔 2019-4-10 10:24:42 痴撚線到自覆添
Kimmich32 2019-4-10 12:27:01 痴撚線
Rin_Neuer 2019-4-10 14:45:46 唔記得轉ac