Sell Side Analyst 係香港有冇前景?
毒男十號 2019-4-5 19:56:04 Buying distressed debt / restructuring / direct lending / NPLs etc. (For private equity type special sits investment role)


1-10 2019-4-5 20:13:28 Sell side bulge bracket 黎講邊幾幾間AM 最好?係咪都係GS/JPM/MS?
FaceID 2019-4-5 21:14:40 咁大公司人工高啲應該正常既
細buy side firm既市價大約幾多?
毒男十號 2019-4-5 21:33:17 應該2xk尾到3xk頭,junior position(聽headhunt講)
fyi, 我依家個間都叫大外資buyside,fg 0經驗入嘅話第一年年薪500k(including bonus)
眼訓仔 2019-4-5 23:51:39
Timowerner 2019-4-6 03:23:08 此回覆已被刪除
烚下烚下人 2019-4-6 14:48:12 AUM 係1B USD 左右......公司wise 就10-20人, 但自己team 的人得4-5人
烚下烚下人 2019-4-6 14:48:41 好勁, 只係舊年輸錢.......
失業仔 2019-4-6 14:59:04 Why specifies daiwa
烚下烚下人 2019-4-6 14:59:54 咁鬼高人工?咁小弟真係超級under-paid :(
無計, 成績差.......入左行之後唯有靠轉工吧!
烚下烚下人 2019-4-6 15:00:51 Daiwa 有無buy-side arm ?


烚下烚下人 2019-4-6 15:04:32 邊間headhunt 講到咁高人工, 有D headhunt 同我講, 話Buy-side 有D junior 位唔過20K 都有唔少.........
露璐 2019-4-6 15:12:15 路過
sentimental factor同fund flow先係equity精粹所在 由analyst轉便am
露璐 2019-4-6 15:14:29 由analyst轉am就唔止要識FA
analyst可以話個market under/overvalued/overreacted 但am兩個字 一係橫一係直 無得咁講
CFROI 2019-4-6 15:24:02 Exactly
毒男十號 2019-4-6 15:44:06 investment role? (buyside做investment低過20k真係有d低
我以前收headhunt call做family office junior investment role都有~30k(就算細 local buyside好多見過都有25k-30k左右, not including bonus)

我個間外資buyside fg 500k,外資同行都話係significantly underpaid(講緊做investment,唔係其他role)
毒男十號 2019-4-6 15:47:03 buyside有普通AM(equity / fixed income), pe, hedge fund etc. 每行個pay可能有d差距
Raptor 2019-4-6 16:28:45 grad trainee is around that price in my firm...compared to i bank it is lower but hours is much better tho

btw...grad trainee data is relatively transparent, quite easy to find out from those sites in the UK...and for grad limited country difference
Sniper 2019-4-6 21:59:11 此回覆已被刪除
Sniper 2019-4-6 22:04:00 此回覆已被刪除
毒男十號 2019-4-6 22:28:24 如果係entry level, sell side大行計埋bonus一定多過buyside (sell side fg 1st year都講緊HKD 1m per annum)

但到senior level就難講,尤其做pe/hedge fund可以係天文數字

我公司Asia head total comp大概係HKD$30m -40m per annum(我公司係listed,所以睇到


FaceID 2019-4-6 23:07:12 yes, 我諗junior level黎講冇人出手比ibank高掛
天水圍性需要者 2019-4-6 23:32:04
烚下烚下人 2019-4-7 01:17:47 小弟請返黎果陣其實唔係做純investment role, 而家做的野係傾向於投後管理....... 每日有D routine fund operations 的野要做, 例如update 個portfolio, monitor trade position, verify P&L positions, 又有少少 fund admin 的野要跟 (MF/real estate Fund都有D)。但長遠老細想我做多D strategy research, 最好可以俾到一D 投資recommendation 俾佢/其他fund manager.

請返黎果陣公司的定位當係middle office officer.......亦因為咁, 可能人工先至比較UN.......不過小弟而家跟緊個老細同埋另一個fund manager好好人, 好識野, 應該可以學到唔少野。
同埋可以幫我考RO 牌上名.....咁你地又點睇?

呢度有無ex-sell-side analyst 入左一D 細行做RO 架?
FaceID 2019-4-7 01:22:47 trader同analyst唔同?

btw 見到有啲post話trader重要過analyst, 因為佢有能力一個人靠操作幫成間公司賺錢,而analyst就淨係洗錢冇能力賺錢

但另一方面有人又話analyst重要過trader, 因為trader只係落盤, 但真正落decision既PM都算係analyst
