Sell Side Analyst 係香港有冇前景?
FaceID 2019-4-3 09:11:27 明白

其實而家offer雖然係外資公司 但肯定唔係1st/2nd tier...成team analyst計得3~5個, 唔洗諗會唔會有star analyst...


9supper 2019-4-3 09:31:52 做細行既都係諗住將來去大行。細行做corp fin ok, 但做research窄窄哋

Portfolio manager角度:佣金唔差唔多,一般都會揀用大行,起碼人地條research team大啲,質素理論上好啲(實際梗係廢的佔大多數啦,不過都係果句,你個call唔準唔梗要,corporate access勁,或者答client的request夠快夠詳盡,都有存在價值)
Raptor 2019-4-3 09:52:11 do what sin...
working as a tea lady and cover analyst is totally different even they r in the same team
credit is more Quant. well asset pool is larger but fee is much lower
Raptor 2019-4-3 09:57:16

under mifid 2 execution and research are fact it has been separated for a long time for many big buy sides. commission is nothing anyway we care about how much we move the market more I.e. implicit cost

anyway small firms have better coverage in small mid cap...that's the key.
FaceID 2019-4-3 10:40:04 corporate sales/consultant for financial product, but not life insurance agent

I see, then I will consider changing to equity few yrs later if have chances
FaceID 2019-4-3 10:41:52 I see, do u think ficc buy side firms only focus on fee while making decision, not services or what research we can provide?
Pureheart 2019-4-3 12:04:10 4年equity investment analyst經驗
情薏軒 2019-4-3 12:39:53 想知點入行?
FaceID 2019-4-3 12:53:05 why ar, underpaid?
眼訓仔 2019-4-3 13:46:42 外資 buyside analyst 留名... 每日返工都好悶,搵緊意義
FaceID 2019-4-3 14:01:55 可唔可以講多啲details
做左analyst幾耐? 人工幾多? AUM幾多?


Raptor 2019-4-3 14:28:43 same here but not that boring....
having said that I just came back from pure
Raptor 2019-4-3 14:34:00 PM makes decision, under mifid 2 we pay for research separately on our p&l
dealer does the execution, which broker to use is at dealer discretion to get best execution
Pureheart 2019-4-3 15:04:32 每日返工都好悶,搵緊意義 x2
去到第三四年,你既LEARNING CURVE巳經FLAT晒,因為巳經無新野好學
一句講晒 你真係好鍾意做呢行 你要跟到個好PM 走少好多彎路
大部分都係炒鬼 ESP班大6人PM
Raptor 2019-4-3 15:57:26 my boss is damn good...very long term focus! we added quite a bit of risk in q4 doubled down in many names and had a very lovely q1 lol

anyway westerners think and trade quite differently to mainlander
hate going to group meeting with brunch of Chinese fund houses ppl...too short term focus
Pureheart 2019-4-3 16:22:03 yes...they drill down to questions that are inappropriate to ask to the point that i almost want to tell them to shut up...
it's very pathetic that those mainland company mgmt, sell side analysts, most buy side peers just naturally converse in their mother tongue
and you are coerced to switch to big 6 mode in NDRs, conf calls
X總,咱們今年這個業績十分亮眼,可以跟咱們分享一下公司未來在XX的布局情況怎麼樣了? 咱們會有XX的計劃嗎? 咱們咱們到想拍死佢地
FaceID 2019-4-3 17:47:21 sounds cool, what is your working hours? buy side seems to be everyone sell side analyst ultimate goal lol..
Raptor 2019-4-3 17:48:07

luckily I have regional coverage don't need to deal with them all the time. time to time mgmt just give u full of bull shit guidance then come up with a big disappointment let alone all the share pledge shit which they refuse to answer in ndr. with this kind of mgmt quality and local funds trading behaviour hard to imagine foreign money will come into A share a big time
FaceID 2019-4-3 17:51:59 oh...but can u get paid well enough? do ur peers get paid over a million hkd annually is considered normal?

coz I think if u have a well paid jobs which u satisfy till u retire, it's not bad to be able to hea and chill har
尾班車 2019-4-3 18:26:58 想入行 LM學野
發聲賓洲 2019-4-3 19:54:39 細行、蚊型行就咪鬼入,入黎哂時間



烚下烚下人 2019-4-3 20:06:46 有無book 俾你管一筆錢去投資先?
烚下烚下人 2019-4-3 20:12:05 小弟初入行, 港資AM (有好多大陸水源), 跟住2個PM (香港人黎), (partnership company) 學緊野.......
其中一個玩quant 玩得好勁下............希望可以跟到佢套strategy 黎投資, 落盤的人唔係我, 但我要幫佢手做D data analysis/research, back-testing 等...............仲要學埋點樣睇住個Portfolio 的P&L, 都幾多野學.............

如果練好一身武功, 之後轉去vanguard, valuer partner, CSOP, 又或者係券商裡邊的AM 部門難唔難, 畢竟而家人工唔算好.......

感覺上而家好多AM 都要求人識VBA, R, Python, btw, 你地使唔使DUP code ?
烚下烚下人 2019-4-3 20:13:34 點為止細行?係咪指得果幾億港紙AUM 果D 公司?
廢區車 2019-4-3 20:30:54 Re 唔多洗啦