『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(33) 祖國新線上續領系統上線啦!!!!!今期真,BC一注獨中
得一想二 2019-4-10 18:56:35 咁你試吓寄住先


WaDiu 2019-4-10 19:07:01
慕尼黑力架 2019-4-10 19:57:44 有冇個相關法律可以睇睇?

我睇返佢個啲website好似話係before hard brexit day/end of transition period of withdrawal agreement 個日子之前收到嘅入籍application先準留英德雙重國籍⋯⋯ 即係話得已經留咗德國好耐嘅英國人先會受惠到
WaDiu 2019-4-10 20:31:35
邪惡熊仔 2019-4-10 20:40:24 不過好似born as既國籍可以keep?
邪惡熊仔 2019-4-10 20:41:03
酸民治日鮮 2019-4-10 21:05:26 畀咩多次錢呀,寫封信話返畀人知你填錯咗啲乜夾埋啲文件一齊寄過去呀,又唔睇doc
leChronique 2019-4-10 21:06:13
WaDiu 2019-4-10 21:24:43 Sorry
thanks for help

咁我照樣寄野過去好 定email問好
WaDiu 2019-4-10 21:24:57 thanks
慕尼黑力架 2019-4-10 21:32:47 好似non EU third nation nationality 就唔可以keep
Post Brexit UK = third nation

除非佢地最尾傾掂數準保留British Nationality
不過我聽講 其實BNO 作為non Eu nationality 好似本來未脫歐之前都一樣唔keep得?係某expat fourm見過


邪惡熊仔 2019-4-10 21:49:10 咁咪反而Brexit之後反而可以keep?
Jaja聲 2019-4-10 22:01:29 師兄你骨格精奇,我懷疑你有愛恩思坦的才智,細個有冇check過IQ?
邪惡熊仔 2019-4-10 22:06:51
喪Do男 2019-4-10 22:08:15 first British passport點樣先可以用到舊system?
慕尼黑力架 2019-4-10 22:21:46
勞動帶來自由 2019-4-10 22:33:27 1996年之前要拎到無條件限制逗留(身份證代碼由C轉U),先可以歸化BDTC

(a) 獲准來港工作或居留的非本地人士(受訓人員、學生、外籍家庭傭工和外地合約勞工除外);以及
(b) 香港永久性居民或獲准無條件限制逗留人士的配偶和未婚受供養子女
3. 上述申請人須符合指定規定,包括有關其居港年期的規定。在一九八三年之前,上文(a)及(b)段的申請人,須已在港居住不少於九年。在一九八三年,適用於 (b)段申請人的居港年期,縮短至“不少於三年”。此修訂的目的是方便英國屬土公民的配偶和未婚受供養子女,根據《1981英國國籍法》申請入籍成為英國屬土公民,而具有無條件限制逗留身分,是申請入籍的基本條件。

aapl 2019-4-10 22:56:59 The Brexit-Übergangsgesetz is draft German legislation that would provide legal clarity during the transition period foreseen by the draft Withdrawal Agreement where provisions in German federal law refer to membership of the European Union or the European Atomic Energy Community. This includes aspects of naturalisation of British citizens in Germany and German citizens in the UK.

The proposed law would enable British citizens to retain their British citizenship when taking German citizenship and to become dual national citizens, even when a positive decision on the application for German citizenship is made after the expiry of the transition period, provided all other requirements for German citizenship are completed before the 31 December 2020.

With long residence requirements and long processing times in some areas of Germany, this proposed law potentially avoids certain Britons falling foul of the deadline and losing their right to dual citizenship , simply because their applications could not be processed before the end of the transition period.
24:01 2019-4-10 23:17:02 點解比完錢我 冇declaration form填既
aapl 2019-4-10 23:32:40 新系統
24:01 2019-4-10 23:34:07 求救啊

我去左下面條link申請bno 係咪搞錯左?

因為我冇ac login 去睇進度

但我連錢都比埋 點算好


24:01 2019-4-10 23:35:07 唔好意思 岩岩睇唔到係覆

aapl 2019-4-10 23:38:07 https://www.gov.uk/track-passport-application
得一想二 2019-4-10 23:41:49 Track your application

You can track your application at:

Btw爸打你就咁講 都唔知你發生咩事

你apply果陣應該有打到email 同埋電話no.
你比完錢之後會有相關信息收到 用番你啲資料同application reference就睇到進度
24:01 2019-4-10 23:43:13 唔該晒巴打