穆斯林兄弟 2019-3-27 21:34:48


被聽見的寂靜老虎 2019-3-27 21:52:53

The Doors - S/T


Radiohead 2019-3-28 00:54:26

穆斯林兄弟 2019-3-28 07:03:35 They say democracy is simply very bad for business
while deploring student protests in the middle of Hong Kong
They insist that people have to work on zero contracts everywhere
so profit margins grow and shares are very strong
But one group that they never take to task
And one question that they never seem to ask is:

What are we going to do about the rich?
What are we going to do about the rich?
What are we going to do about the rich?
Come on! Well come on!

失落的童話 2019-3-28 10:15:22 呢套戲就好似預言咁.
年初4 2019-3-28 13:14:20 留名 呢個禮拜一至五晚晚都要去HKIFF 好忙
尖東處男 2019-3-28 18:28:00 tonite
被聽見的寂靜老虎 2019-3-28 18:40:04 絲打都巧巧體力喎
林文悅 2019-3-28 19:26:54 呢個禮拜晚晚都要OT, 好忙
被聽見的寂靜老虎 2019-3-28 20:48:39 小心身體呀

被聽見的寂靜老虎 2019-3-28 20:56:41

Silk Road Assassins - State of Ruin

Electronic, Ambient, Grime, Debut album (EP唔當debut)


晚晚喺度睇啲小說睇咗幾個月 歌又少聽咗 戲又睇少咗 最近追完之後 突然又唔想開新書睇



林文悅 2019-3-28 21:21:13
林文悅 2019-3-28 21:26:04

第一次聽DJ kicks 系列

林文悅 2019-3-28 21:27:06
穆斯林兄弟 2019-3-28 22:26:54
穆斯林兄弟 2019-3-28 22:27:14 聽咗成朝, 好耐冇聽
年初4 2019-3-28 22:58:27 攰架其實 但有啲戲4k復修 又有得入戲院大銀幕睇 又幾好感覺
年初4 2019-3-28 22:59:57
被聽見的寂靜老虎 2019-3-28 23:24:01
國際牌³⁰⁰⁰ 2019-3-28 23:24:05

被聽見的寂靜老虎 2019-3-28 23:25:58 我grad咗之後都未試過收工跑電影節 加油同have fun呀


被聽見的寂靜老虎 2019-3-28 23:38:04

Pet Shop Boys - Actually

Synth Pop


唔上IG見到袁總po相都唔知PSB來咗香港出show 佢哋早期嗰啲碟我當年都買唔少 算係佢哋嘅小fans
穆斯林兄弟 2019-3-28 23:55:15 neil 把聲冇乜大變
穆斯林兄弟 2019-3-28 23:56:31
被聽見的寂靜老虎 2019-3-29 00:07:00 佢把聲都仲係咁好聽