[西岸po大混戰及樓豬nba最後一季?] NBA 2018-19 regular season 討論區(101)
電台司令頭 2019-3-26 18:53:18 照記住一犯先


G.Bale 2019-3-26 18:53:49 當瘤死架
Ryo_Miyaichi 2019-3-26 18:59:56 其實無人搞佢 隻腳落地搞到咁
密尔沃基雄鹿 2019-3-26 19:02:55

HaniBB 2019-3-26 19:03:10 等你食淨先🤫
又一城大同 2019-3-26 19:10:46
李綺虹 2019-3-26 19:42:47 LeBron James praised Lonzo Ball's decision to cut ties with Big Baller Brand, stating that it symbolizes Ball's growth as an individual.
李綺虹 2019-3-26 19:43:28 Dwyane Wade said he feels like he could play another couple years despite announcing that he would retire at the end of this season.

“I know I can play a solid two more years, especially in this role that I’m in now. I can play another two, three years, definitely," said Wade.
李綺虹 2019-3-26 19:45:36 Jodie Meeks has agreed to sign with the Toronto Raptors for the remainder of the season.

懸崖都種出花 2019-3-26 19:50:24 Lin
李綺虹 2019-3-26 19:52:35 sg/sf來㗎


李綺虹 2019-3-26 19:53:18 佢打得起,頂Mccaw綽綽有餘
懸崖都種出花 2019-3-26 19:53:28 好鐘意佢,之前打我湖
C.Bosh 2019-3-26 20:08:59 聽日掛波衫,希望各位清支持
李綺虹 2019-3-26 20:12:07 Lin迷表示會好尊重
Diego_Costa 2019-3-26 20:18:01 此回覆已被刪除
熊餅 2019-3-26 20:18:16 https://rs3.sinahk.net/cap/3/2019/03/26/5/592ddb278f7f53874596a62ed55df1e4.jpg

睇落好恐怖, 貼LINK算
密尔沃基雄鹿 2019-3-26 20:26:34 好耐無見
澤城美雪 2019-3-26 20:27:23

magical 2019-3-26 20:29:19 呢D傷係恐怖,但係骨可以生番,
靈寶大法師 2019-3-26 20:44:04




懸崖都種出花 2019-3-26 20:44:23 Elton Brand?
大子小名露寶 2019-3-26 20:51:22 agger
噴火龍X 2019-3-26 20:51:35 佢既隊友排唔上咩門面,上年係比人包夾而死,呢點係cp3成世都唔會有呢種享受,所以唔值得抽

密尔沃基雄鹿 2019-3-26 20:52:27 打親都廢隊,好難提喎