(QP 撚)QP Modules June 2019
托馬斯小龜頭 2019-6-4 19:25:49 此回覆已被刪除


連登毒撚 2019-6-4 19:26:18
連登毒撚 2019-6-4 19:26:54
一袋小狗 2019-6-4 19:28:02 by individual should be according to hkco
托馬斯小龜頭 2019-6-4 19:30:04 此回覆已被刪除
好鐘意返工 2019-6-4 19:32:53 我做嗰陣完全無視咗依個位

Focus咗去𠝹開lease同non lease component個位
DemonLord 2019-6-4 19:37:07 條lease 好鬼下
哥是Dick 2019-6-4 19:38:05
哥是Dick 2019-6-4 19:38:58
唔該晒側田 2019-6-4 19:39:04 應該冇事

另外我有幾分寫咗題號要email 返公會
唔該晒側田 2019-6-4 19:39:58 lease 大家答咗中hkfrs 16?


Aragornnnn 2019-6-4 19:41:03 差唔多啦

計埋點initial recognise right of use asset + lease liability

Subsequent measure
唔該晒側田 2019-6-4 19:42:09 答non lease component 都應該會執到少少
延文禮士 2019-6-4 19:44:35 小事 冇人理 唔會有影響 巴打唔洗驚
叮噹。可否不要老 2019-6-4 20:00:16 佢唔係話group policy唔拆non lease component咩?
唔該晒側田 2019-6-4 20:02:49 咁我可能白做咗五分鐘
桐生戦兎 2019-6-4 20:05:20 Paper 1 essay 題號寫左做 1 2
澤城美雪 2019-6-4 20:12:47 would not benefit economically by subsituting the machine
still lease

installation cost borne by lessor係咪要當lease incentive 係right to use asset 扣
叮噹。可否不要老 2019-6-4 20:17:18 As a practical expedient, a lessee may elect, by class of underlying asset, not to separate non-lease components from lease components and instead account for all components as a lease. [IFRS 16:13-15]
桐生戦兎 2019-6-4 20:18:14 點解 你加左再扣?
蛔蝻 2019-6-4 20:18:37 Elect咗就唔分


桐生戦兎 2019-6-4 20:18:41 人地係話唔elect practical expedient wor
唔該晒側田 2019-6-4 20:18:41

預咗最壞打算tritake 先
桐生戦兎 2019-6-4 20:18:55 Btw help
好鐘意返工 2019-6-4 20:19:23 好似唔係喎
係話group唔用practical expedient,即係唔會合埋一齊計,分返開去計同搵返個relative price
如果唔係就無分maintenance service同lease啦