(QP 撚)QP Modules June 2019
世無雙 2019-6-4 18:48:56 鳩答

加息 借貸成本高左 d人借錢買股票成本高左 股價跌
持續加息 債價下跌


唔該晒側田 2019-6-4 18:49:40 我都係
原來我早上答題簿冇寫明係paper 1
只寫咗Final examination of QP


負碌鬼 2019-6-4 18:51:03 一樣咁答 有版係話int rate同bond price成反比
然後話d shareholed withdraw holding 或者預期高d回報
Aragornnnn 2019-6-4 18:51:11 9 吹。加息影響經濟無人買佢products, risk of insolvency increased due to increased interest payment, more tax shield benefit, 會考慮用internal financing, 要用hedging instrument (forward/future contract, interest rate swap)。

Impact to bondholder - market value of existing bonds will decrease (downward sloping yield curve)

Impact to shareholders - need increased return due to increased insolvency return. May need higher dividends to incentivize them to carry on to invest in equity (otherwise switch to debt investment)
野比大熊貓 2019-6-4 18:51:33 借錢買股票嗰啲擺明係賭錢
世無雙 2019-6-4 18:55:22 睇落好 make sense
阿姆斯特丹夜機 2019-6-4 18:59:16 巴打Prize winner 仲唔係你
DemonLord 2019-6-4 19:03:16 呢D應該唔多睇到
DemonLord 2019-6-4 19:04:16 呀個bond price 冇提
連登毒撚 2019-6-4 19:06:23 準備Tri take 留名
Aragornnnn 2019-6-4 19:09:33 有題問 compensation to 果個executive director/CCO 點 disclose ? 連邊條standard 都唔知
係咪employee benefits 果課?


世無雙 2019-6-4 19:12:52 hkas 24
好鐘意返工 2019-6-4 19:14:38 Hkas24 有講key management 點disclose compensation
叮噹。可否不要老 2019-6-4 19:15:14 人地b part都問果個女人係咪rp
世無雙 2019-6-4 19:15:50 kmp compensation 要disclose in total by categories by individual
阿姆斯特丹夜機 2019-6-4 19:17:20 忽然間諗到個compensation Hkfrs 7/9 係咪都要disclose
muichu 2019-6-4 19:17:51 想問下個題係唔係lease
好鐘意返工 2019-6-4 19:18:30 同我寫法差唔多
世無雙 2019-6-4 19:18:39 邊條?
q3 ?
靚女唔痾屎 2019-6-4 19:19:19 各位,原本想後會無期
muichu 2019-6-4 19:20:19 唔記得 應該係 佢話可以substitue


DemonLord 2019-6-4 19:21:15 但係佢話briefly discuss果2個role ,我當佢唔多分
DemonLord 2019-6-4 19:22:29 only if damage or a better model, 不成立
靚女唔痾屎 2019-6-4 19:23:48 我都係,個時我只係聽到佢講話Final examination,聽唔到佢講paper 1

我問左個監考官,佢話冇咩所謂,最緊要係唔好寫錯個student number 同desk number

世無雙 2019-6-4 19:25:48 帽事既