熟女獵人 2019-6-16 17:41:02 我磨咗.....


歡樂今宵 2019-6-16 17:48:05 俾左幾十蚊食頹飯 都幾好 有得食又有得坐低溫書
各位考完巴巴絲一齊出發去維園啦! 隊尾仲行緊
信用卡 2019-6-16 17:53:54
信用卡 2019-6-16 17:54:26
櫻花獵人 2019-6-16 17:57:38
歡樂今宵 2019-6-16 17:59:27
信用卡 2019-6-16 18:00:22
櫻花獵人 2019-6-16 18:00:33
奔走向前隊 2019-6-16 18:13:23
上路教科書 2019-6-16 18:22:04 Level 1 幾時出result
歡樂今宵 2019-6-16 18:44:44 Results for Level I and II candidates are available within 60 days of the exam date and within 90 days for Level III candidates.*


係開心仔既 2019-6-16 23:18:16 用個半日望左一次,最後4日望住答案做practice question + mock

發現根本exam 同佢practice/ mock 兩個程度,practice難到仆街,拎d時間背熟d formula 好過

PS 做個陣半放棄 fixed income,唔記得d式
係開心仔既 2019-6-16 23:20:42 Mock/practice 全部無提到land valuation,exam 6-7題
q知乜叫cash on cash
你傻嫁無野做 2019-6-17 00:23:17 you're violating cfa code of conduct....
大吟釀 2019-6-17 00:44:51 U mean cash on cash return?
信用卡 2019-6-17 10:23:19
Adult登 2019-6-17 20:21:22
信用卡 2019-6-17 23:07:42
中環大香腸 2019-6-18 00:26:57 巴打睇路
姨聞胳肋底 2019-6-18 00:45:50 連登仔挑戰CFAI起底能力
信用卡 2019-6-18 14:59:48


櫻花獵人 2019-6-18 16:06:25
股壇小子 2019-6-18 17:33:09 Useless
信用卡 2019-6-18 21:50:16 唔好推啦
prokofiev 2019-6-19 15:22:44 A friend of mine is taking the CFA exam level one for the fifth time this year as he’s previously come up short four times 🤣 he said he had revised two thirds of the syllabus so far.😆 He’s currently a receptionist at HSBC and has recently complained that his colleague was given a promotion instead of him. He felt he deserved it but his boss is biased towards his colleague. All I could say was that’s the way the cookie crumbles. His colleague has great communication and organisational skills as well as loads of teamwork and leadership experiences which were decisive factors in getting the promotion he wanted.