dreamscometrue 2017-2-21 17:01:38 加油 望今年成行


Ipad.mini.air 2017-2-21 17:03:52 留名
想退休 2017-2-21 17:06:37
加油 望今年成行


嘩嘩喇 2017-2-21 18:18:49 巴打們有無報出面英文班提升英文??
dreamscometrue 2017-2-21 18:27:10 班就99percent 冇咩用 又貴
一對一好啲 但成本效益都唔係咁好
鬼佬收你4/500 一個 鐘
dreamscometrue 2017-2-21 18:27:49 尤其個啲EF , wall-street
嘩嘩喇 2017-2-21 18:46:59
尤其個啲EF , wall-street

toritori0123 2017-2-21 19:09:25

如果PTE ok既,咪試下囉
IELTS 都係考考試技巧啫

我都想試其它試 考ielts考到灰
小弟華安 2017-2-21 19:14:38 去日本考ielts比分鬆好多
有日本朋友啲oral同writing勁水皮都有overall 7.5
你在灰暗中 2017-2-21 23:29:03 此回覆已被刪除
BrettAnderson 2017-2-22 02:29:06

BrettBrett 睇#330



全都是走狗 2017-2-22 02:32:58 留名
dreamscometrue 2017-2-22 09:07:48 開始操writing
Task 1, Task 2 目標各8篇
有冇人搵過人改文 幾錢?
你在灰暗中 2017-2-22 15:38:06 此回覆已被刪除
你在灰暗中 2017-2-22 17:30:48 此回覆已被刪除
行者無疆 2017-2-22 17:45:36
Task 1, Task 2 目標各8篇
有冇人搵過人改文 幾錢?

dreamscometrue 2017-2-23 00:20:13
Task 1, Task 2 目標各8篇
有冇人搵過人改文 幾錢?


post 左 睇下有冇人覆
我是一隻膠熊 2017-2-23 00:34:06 留名
好有用 多謝哂樓主

利申 英國jj 諗住7 8月返香港考 aim6.5
含德之厚髀瘀赤紫 2017-2-23 04:28:21
Task 1, Task 2 目標各8篇
有冇人搵過人改文 幾錢?


post 左 睇下有冇人覆



十年前考過 唔記得攞8定8.5
AL UE writing A
愛是含鳩撚袋 2017-2-23 05:15:10 9978路過
七天旅程 2017-2-23 08:58:32 聽日出result好緊張


dreamscometrue 2017-2-23 09:13:27 作左篇文 Writing Task 1

You are studying a short course in another country. Your accommodation was arranged by the course provider. There is a major problem with the accommodation.
Write a letter to the course provider. In your letter,
· say what the problem is
· describe the accommodation you thought you were getting
· ask the provider to solve the problem

Dear Mr. White,

I am Peter Parker. I have enrolled in the summer course of "ABC" college to study English. I am living in a sharehouse arranged by the school. The location is close to the campus. It helps me save traveling time and focus on study but a quiet environment is also very important to study, which the current accommodation cannot provide.

I am living with 3 other students. As they are having a summer break of their study. It seems that they are in a holiday mood. They came back very late and made a lot of noise. They even held overnight parties several times. I have been wake up by them in the mid-night frequently. My rest have been interrupted, so my study.

It is a big contrast to my expectation which was a quiet environment with dedicated students. That would benefit my study and experiences.

I am wondering if your could arrange me to live with my coursemates who share the same schedule and goals.

I am looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,
Peter Parker
dreamscometrue 2017-2-23 09:18:27

Dukkha 2017-2-23 09:30:20

含德之厚髀瘀赤紫 2017-2-23 15:45:15
作左篇文 Writing Task 1

You are studying a short course in another country. Your accommodation was arranged by the course provider. There is a major problem with the accommodation.
Write a letter to the course provider. In your letter,
· say what the problem is
· describe the accommodation you thought you were getting
· ask the provider to solve the problem

Dear Mr. White,

I am Peter Parker. I have enrolled in the summer course of "ABC" college to study English. I am living in a sharehouse arranged by the school. in which The location is close to the campus. (STATE THE PURPOSE OF THIS LETTER)It helps me (chinglish) save traveling time and focus on study but a quiet environment is also very important to study, which the current accommodation cannot provide.

I am living with 3 other students. As they are having a summer break of their study. It seems that they are in a holiday mood. They came back very late and made a lot of noise. They even held overnight parties several times. I have been wake up by them in the mid-night frequently. My rest have been interrupted(passive voice), so domy study.

It is a big contrast to my expectation which was(tense) a quiet environment with dedicated students. That would benefit my study and experiences. (too short, expand the paragraph)

I am wondering if your could arrange me to live with my coursemates who share the same schedule and goals.

I am looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,
Peter Parker
