減肥/增磅 4 (Beginners' Guide)
合仔 2019-5-8 15:20:29 係人都癲啦

晒咁多時間打#1 成班hihi唔睇淨係識問,比著我都滾


B-rabbit 2019-5-8 15:36:06 想減體脂,唔想損失太多肌肉
有飲開protein shake
但最近gym room師兄叫我停飲

另外有做重訓,腳 肩 背 胸 等等…


到底停飲protein shake係咪好啲
大約一星期一次Treat Meal
我唔知咩叫串 2019-5-8 16:08:42 gym room師兄 係咪個D話飲whey 唔係天然健身個D ON9仔?
我唔知咩叫串 2019-5-8 16:10:15 btw 我驚誤會左佢, 你唔係飲gainer嘛? 係蛋白粉嘛?
No.One 2019-5-8 16:20:18 利申番先 自己係dietitian 係澳洲做野時都請教過sports dietitian 佢比過啲資料我睇 當中提及到其實最盡去到1.5-1.7g/kg已經夠 研究亦發現>2.0g/kg對muscle increase係冇額外幫助
我唔知咩叫串 2019-5-8 17:21:46 想請教下, 每樣食物吸收率都唔同, 點計? 可以食多d 點解唔食多?
B-rabbit 2019-5-8 17:40:21 係蛋白粉呀 ON嗰啲

我唔知咩叫串 2019-5-8 17:44:34 咁你問下佢點解要停囉,邊有咁易又平台期,修身一切都係計數,再食清d囉
B-rabbit 2019-5-8 20:06:56 For those research geeks among you, here are the references:

Ingested protein dose response of muscle and albumin protein synthesis after resistance exercise in young men. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009.

A moderate serving of high-quality protein maximally stimulates skeletal muscle protein synthesis in young and elderly subjects. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2009.

So, what did these landmark studies show?

Well, the first study showed that when college-aged weight-trainers drink 0g, 5g, 10g, 20g, or 40g of protein after a weight training session, muscle protein synthesis is stimulated maximally at the 20g dose.  Interestingly, there were no further increases in muscle protein synthesis at the 40g dose.

Similarly, in the second study, when young and elderly volunteers were given 30 or 90g of dietary protein in a single meal, the 30g dose maximally stimulated muscle protein synthesis.  Again, there were no further increases in muscle protein synthesis at the 90g dose.

B-rabbit 2019-5-8 20:08:29 佢話蛋白質都有卡路里

我唔知咩叫串 2019-5-8 20:19:04 正確,其他地方減咪得,一定唔會係減蛋白質吸引先囉,除非你係食緊 1kg重3 4g 蛋白質,不過應該唔係啦


我唔知咩叫串 2019-5-8 20:22:20 你copy個段無答過我個問題
B-rabbit 2019-5-8 20:27:28 呢層要睇返佢個research

我就都係會食過 30g / meal

No.One 2019-5-8 20:49:48 冇乜quantitative ge research 但傾向prefer high quality protein 通常plant based ge就打個折 但打幾多真係冇乜data support 可能研究上亦好困難
No.One 2019-5-8 20:52:45 至於點解唔食多啲 我自己有兩點會考慮 第一 多啲protein會increase kidney burden 第二 多啲protein即係cost大啲
計劃移民 2019-5-8 21:11:25 此回覆已被刪除
計劃移民 2019-5-8 21:13:48 此回覆已被刪除
Pixel首席打手 2019-5-8 21:32:21
Pixel首席打手 2019-5-8 21:32:47
Pixel首席打手 2019-5-8 21:37:09 其實1g per pound body weight已經夠有突
但cut緊嗰陣要多啲protein 甚至1.2g per pound bodyweight
No offence 嗰個sport dietition咩料先 打羽毛球?

1g per pound bw係body building叫做最basic
Pixel首席打手 2019-5-8 21:38:59 佢都戇鳩
一杯成24g蛋白質(加埋carbs )得個百幾卡


Pixel首席打手 2019-5-8 21:40:40 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJpdPYedWjc
Pixel首席打手 2019-5-8 21:42:55 Increase kidney burden

我睇Research話kidney冇功能問題, 正常functional 可以頂到4.5g x kg wor
合仔 2019-5-8 22:19:43 如果超過左係咪好大件事?
Pixel首席打手 2019-5-8 22:29:14 冇咁易食到4.5g x kg既

btw你邊度買肉 買開咩肉