【連登 商業電台 光明頂 討論區(九)】
SadButTure 2019-4-8 23:30:10 當年鄧飛條左狗笑鳩佢


9錢1心 2019-4-8 23:54:57 我9錢一撚早屌爆教畜都係犬儒充值奶共洗腦機器架啦!!!

9錢1心 2019-4-9 22:48:17
Yujing Zhang was arrested at Mar-a-Lago late last month
Prosecutors reveal they found thousands in cash in her hotel room
They also found a signal detector to seek hidden cameras
Her lawyer says she paid $20,000 to an organizer to be there
She was arrested with four cell phones on her at the club
Also a thumb drive with malicious malware
Secret Service agent inserted the thumb drive into his computer
Trump was golfing at the time of the arrest and wasn't there
President Trump called the arrest a 'fluke' and praised the receptionist
Federal prosecutor says she 'lies to everyone she encounters

⋯⋯Prosecutors revealed the results of a search on the hotel room that she had booked. In addition to the signal detector, authorities located another cell phone – bringing the total she had with her on the trip to five – plus a total of nine USB drives and five SIM cards, according to prosecutors. ...

A day after her arrival in the U.S., Zhang checked into the $400-a-night Colony Hotel about two miles north of Mar-a-Lago.

There, Garcia said, investigators found numerous electronic devices and $7,620 as well as about $600 in Chinese Yuan.

According to court documents, Zhang told a Secret Service agent before her arrest that her contact Charles 'told her to travel from Shanghai, China, to Palm Beach, Florida, to attend this event and attempt to speak with a member of the President’s family about Chinese and American foreign economic relations.'

The FBI has been investigating the incident for possible espionage connections. The timing of her arrival in the U.S. also reveals she came her just two days before her bust inside the president's club on a Saturday.

She flew from Shanghai to Newark, arriving March 28. The was arrested March 30.

Trump was golfing at the time of the arrest and wasn't there.

Zhang is charged with entering a restricted area and lying to a federal agent. The magistrate judge overseeing the case revoked
咩得就咩 2019-4-9 23:12:10 又有啤啤啦
我愛大波蓮 2019-4-9 23:14:50 十九呢?
咩得就咩 2019-4-9 23:18:05 19
6帽王何家成 2019-4-9 23:18:42 19根本唔係香港
極光夢夜人 2019-4-9 23:19:33 訪問番19 好好笑
山岸逢花 2019-4-9 23:19:44 電話做節目
點Jack 2019-4-9 23:21:45 其實dreambear 仲有冇得返大陸
奧瑪 2019-4-9 23:26:37 林鄭真焦土


SadButTure 2019-4-9 23:29:01 鮑偉聰你真係好撚on9
P.花滿樓 2019-4-9 23:30:45 係咪飲醉左返唔到嚟
極光夢夜人 2019-4-9 23:31:33
奧瑪 2019-4-9 23:43:45 鮑sir咁多年講野都係一舊舊,成日er er er,其實其實其實,講句野前半句正常但下半句成日load唔到,佢都係做番助攻算啦
咩得就咩 2019-4-9 23:44:06 當然係現眼報啦
扮基抽下水 2019-4-9 23:44:38 此回覆已被刪除
Improver 2019-4-9 23:46:07 港商絕大部份都係極短視.....
SadButTure 2019-4-9 23:48:52


成日淨係DQ4 無視其他被DQ既人
扮基抽下水 2019-4-9 23:49:16 此回覆已被刪除
奧瑪 2019-4-9 23:49:45 一個領展,一個引導法,見證香港人樣衰貪婪短視既報應


Improver 2019-4-9 23:50:13 Signed
SadButTure 2019-4-9 23:50:36
咩得就咩 2019-4-9 23:51:31 鮑sir變咗主持咁
一九八四 2019-4-9 23:58:17 小童dna