英人 2019-5-2 16:20:32 星際有一間專賣副廠電,都好齊下


荔枝玉露 2019-5-2 16:40:23 Thanks!! 去睇下先
佳松富 2019-5-3 00:38:02 We’ve pretty much confirmed that the Canon RF 85mm f/1.2L USM will be officially announced and available for preorder on or around May 9, 2019.

We’ve been asking around about an official announcement date for the “holy trinity” RF mount zoom lenses, as these three lenses will likely be quite popular. The three lenses are the RF 15-35mm f/2.8L IS USM, RF 24-70mm f/2.8L IS USM and RF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM.

We’re told that all three “should” be officially announced and available at the same time, and likely before the end of July 2019.

There has been nothing said about when we can expect the RF 24-240mm f/4-6.3 IS USM or the RF 85mm f/1.2L DS USM to arrive.

As always with lenses, delays in shipping are quite common, so what may be correct information today, can change tomorrow.

Rumor收到料 7月出到大三元
咁快 係就好

不過未100% confirm
卡膠 2019-5-3 06:27:48 6D2
Sigma 支支prime都正,2470又有唔同廠揀
RF其實無咩鏡揀,下下加個adaptor不如直接EF mount
佳松富 2019-5-3 07:05:11 如果你Aim副廠鏡多又接受到6D2就去馬
無無謂謂 2019-5-3 08:21:35 淨係對焦rp 都方便過6d2, 任插副廠定焦唔洗怕走焦。

如果手上冇乜鏡,入完rp, 慢慢儲得鏡黎,一兩年內應該已經出齊基本焦段啦。

rp 手感幾好,我覺得係粒電最麻煩je...
Bombalabom 2019-5-3 14:07:13 有冇人eos r update咗1.2之後有時af有啲問題??

講緊係完全冇反應冇hunt過,要我自己manual override, 擰到去對焦點附近佢先開始識郁

馬GO列OC 2019-5-3 18:33:53 新手想問點先影到夜晚星星。
佳松富 2019-5-3 19:22:24 Wide + 大光圈 如果想影星

香港光害好勁 好難影到
BiteTheDust 2019-5-3 19:46:37 答單問tokina at-x 11-20 pro dx 影星夠唔夠做?
佳松富 2019-5-3 20:13:05 夠 睇多幾條YouTube 好多都唔洗頂級鏡都影到

我老友好中意影星 佢都話搵地方先最緊要
APSC 都夠用


馬GO列OC 2019-5-3 22:04:46 會唔會有鏡推薦 for 新手
佳松富 2019-5-3 22:18:09 Budget? 淨係影星??會唔會影下人之類
馬GO列OC 2019-5-3 23:11:37 Around 2k 風景同建築物為主
諗唔到呀頂 2019-5-4 04:26:14 唔好意思 新手想問下 我而家有m50加kit鏡
想去旅行影下風景同呃like相 淺景深個種
建唔建議m50機身+ 50mmf/1.8鏡+adapter咁樣?
神聖的XX 2019-5-4 08:41:51 搭腳架慢快門?
神聖的XX 2019-5-4 08:42:29 落腳架慢快門*
英人 2019-5-4 10:27:13 如果你本身無50mm f1.8,不如拎錢買22mm f2,個枝呃like好好多
六月九日 2019-5-4 10:50:30 M50+22 應該最穩陣
有錢就32 1.4
馬GO列OC 2019-5-4 11:27:07 其實都係主要影風景同建築物有冇推薦的鏡介紹
NCRarcadia 2019-5-4 11:34:50 Tokina 1120
但其實星空你可能要考慮下換機 高iso


諗唔到呀頂 2019-5-4 12:58:48 係啊 我本身無50mm f1.8個枝 諗緊50mm f1.8定22mm f2好
見各位介紹開嘅舖都得水貨 想問係咪得水貨?係三陽買可唔可靠?有咩要注意 唔該囇
諗唔到呀頂 2019-5-4 12:59:50 唔該
我諗我都係會諗22mm先 之後有錢再32
英人 2019-5-4 13:24:48 三陽都ok ge,睇下有無花,每級光圈試下,其實canon水貨用到長過一年都無乜所謂
佳松富 2019-5-4 13:47:18 2k 難搞

影風景建築物 EF-S 10-18mm 廣角影到風景建築 但細光圈難影星

一係就Samyang 10mm f/2.8 EF-S Mount 影到晒星 風景建築但手動鏡

Tokina 11-20 要過3k