『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(32) 你準備好認祖歸英未?
7Mile 2019-3-19 11:03:57 此回覆已被刪除


az-687 2019-3-19 11:36:51 巴打你個床笠
沖繩奴隸島 2019-3-19 12:02:27 上星期三轉dispatched 星期六收到新bno
Podolski 2019-3-19 12:42:40 Thx

卡域膠 2019-3-19 13:45:27 我反而星期五dispatched,今日收返舊文件
沖繩奴隸島 2019-3-19 15:28:59 巴打你收唔收到dhl no.呀咁?
卡域膠 2019-3-19 15:31:22 舊文件嗰份收到email話寄出咗

鮑魚魔神 2019-3-19 17:23:59 求助

我有登記做選民 有車牌
之前連埋銀行証明咗去 今日收到EMAIL話叫我補多張地址証明
佢話如果冇話電話單果D都得 不過我想睇下有冇方法可以收到政府信

NCRarcadia 2019-3-19 17:30:10 稅單

老媽大減價 2019-3-19 17:32:45 係咪寄左黑白copy?
二貨課長 2019-3-19 17:38:39 visa 卡嘅銀行信正本寄俾佢啦。可能我係續領+俾咗銀行信正本及成本厠板寄埋去。咁就一次過無驚無險就續咗。
PS: 感謝某高登巴打有個po page by page 教點填。


鮑魚魔神 2019-3-19 17:42:10 可能係 咁我試試
thank you 巴打
7Mile 2019-3-19 17:47:57 此回覆已被刪除
7Mile 2019-3-19 17:48:24 此回覆已被刪除
7Mile 2019-3-19 17:48:50 此回覆已被刪除
7Mile 2019-3-19 17:52:06 此回覆已被刪除
乘腿而入 2019-3-19 19:00:20 有無支那人見到你揸住本紅簿仔,想搵你搲水吹
利賓納蜜桃味 2019-3-19 19:00:38
巴絲 2019-3-19 19:05:58 依家可以係邊到搵到bno visa free list? 搵極都係好舊個list
勞動帶來自由 2019-3-19 19:14:14 係幫按照《1986年香港(英國國籍)令》第4條下有英國國民(海外)護照嘅人續英國護照
Article 4
Right to acquire new status of British National (Overseas)

4.—(1) On and after 1st July 1987 there shall be a new form of British nationality the holders of which shall be known as British Nationals (Overseas).

(2) Any person who is a British Dependent Territories citizen by virtue (wholly or partly) of his having a connection with Hong Kong and who, but for his having a connection with Hong Kong, would not be such a citizen shall be entitled, before 1st July 1997 (or before the end of 1997 if born in that year before that date), to be registered as a British National (Overseas) and to hold or be included in a passport appropriate to that status.

(3) Any person who, having become a British National (Overseas) by virtue of paragraph (2) above, ceases at any time before 1st July 1997 to be a British Dependent Territories citizen shall at the same time cease to be a British National (Overseas).
Connections with Hong Kong

2.—(1) For the purposes of this Order a person shall be taken to have a connection with Hong Kong if—
(a)subject to paragraph (3) below, he, his father or his mother was born, naturalised or registered in Hong Kong or found abandoned there as a new-born infant; or
(b)he, his father or his mother was adopted (whether or not in Hong Kong) and the adopter or, in the case of a joint adoption, one of the adopters was at the time of the adoption a British Dependent Territories citizen by virtue of his having a connection with Hong Kong as specified in this Article; or
(c)he, his father or his mother was registered outside Hong Kong on an application based (wholly or partly) on any of the following:—
(i)residence in Hong Kong;
(ii)descent from a person born in Hong Kong;
(iii)descent from a person naturalised, registered or settled in Hong Kong (whether before or after the birth of the person registered);
(iv)descent from a person adopted (whether or not in Hong Kong) in the circumstances specified in sub-paragraph (b) above;
(v)marriage to a person who is a British Dependent Territories citizen by virtue of his having a connection with Hong Kong as specified in this Article or would have been so but for his death or renunciation of citizenship;
(vi)Crown service under the government of Hong Kong;
(vii)where citizenship has been renounced and subsequently resumed, birth, naturalisation or registration in Hong Kong; or
(d)at the time of his birth his father or mother was settled in Hong Kong; or
(e)his father or mother was born to a parent who at the time of the birth was a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by virtue of his having a connection with Hong Kong as specified in this Article; or

(f)being a woman, she was married before 1st January 1983 to a man who is a British Dependent Territories citizen by virtue of his having a connection with Hong Kong as specified in this Article or would have been so but for his death.

(2) In paragraph (1) above “registered” means registered as a British Dependent Territories citizen or, before 1st January 1983, as a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies; and “registration” shall be construed accordingly.

(3) A person born in Hong Kong on or after 1st January 1983 shall not be taken to have a connection with Hong Kong under paragraph (1)(a) above by virtue of his birth there unless, at the time of his birth, one of his parents was—
(a)settled in Hong Kong; or
(b)a British Dependent Territories citizen by virtue of his having a connection with Hong Kong as specified in this Article.
邪惡熊仔 2019-3-19 20:20:49 97前就算唔係香港出世都可以歸化英籍,咁都符合攞BNO既條件架。


近畿 2019-3-19 21:49:52
近畿 2019-3-19 21:57:19
薛揩油 2019-3-19 22:39:36 巴打係BC???
洪七公公 2019-3-19 22:41:21 Dear Mr ,

Thank you for your email.

Yes we have now received all the required documents.

Your passport has been passed for issue and should arrive within the next ten days.

Thank you
