「歐聯唔使出局」 富咸vs利物浦
謝謝拉特 2019-3-15 14:36:22 上年係比卡膠教訓


比D掌聲自己 2019-3-15 14:37:04 係唔係冇出糧比佢
迷軒黨黨魁 2019-3-15 14:38:09 份糧比佢做model
迷軒黨黨魁 2019-3-15 14:49:15

Hawk 2019-3-15 14:51:45 中荷蘭野嘅話成隊波又乘機去隊草call g
燒香拜佛留口德 2019-3-15 14:52:06 怪嘅位係?
yuirii 2019-3-15 14:53:16 係咪講緊拜仁條防線啲企位?
迷軒黨黨魁 2019-3-15 14:55:12
倉野尾成美 2019-3-15 15:03:55 力子做到野
Voyeur 2019-3-15 15:04:37 此回覆已被刪除
孫彩瑛 2019-3-15 15:11:43 希望神秘力量去咗痾狗到啦


拋家嫂 2019-3-15 15:24:27 佢地個topic 仲好有戰鬥力
迷軒黨黨魁 2019-3-15 15:24:53 入面張gif仲勁
孫彩瑛 2019-3-15 15:30:41 徐青藤不嬲癲嫁啦 死獌狗on9姐
btw 張gif真係cls
普美個飯團 2019-3-15 15:40:35 阿個po名
脫離賭海 2019-3-15 15:40:58 此回覆已被刪除
烈火龍心(迷軒) 2019-3-15 15:42:15
脫離賭海 2019-3-15 15:43:42 此回覆已被刪除
脫離賭海 2019-3-15 15:44:47 此回覆已被刪除
謝謝拉特 2019-3-15 15:45:46
Berger 2019-3-15 15:46:41 Manchester City and Manchester United will not be able to play at home on the same night, nor on consecutive nights, following a decision made by the relevant local authorities. Therefore, should both clubs be drawn at home in the same week, the team having finished lower in the domestic league the previous season – in this case Manchester United – will be reversed in accordance with the UEFA Club Competitions Committee principles. Any potential reversal for the semi-finals, for the same reason, would be confirmed after the quarter-finals.


老強 2019-3-15 15:48:18 咩舖
孫彩瑛 2019-3-15 15:48:23 直接打吡啦
Berger 2019-3-15 15:48:55 Such a good idea
F$G正仆街 2019-3-15 15:49:48 梗係拎黑暗時代嗰幅