戰羊300 2019-8-14 14:20:18


SuYuiMoa 2019-8-14 14:22:33 仲有兩個fd
無賴愛神 2019-8-14 14:24:10 Cash. Grab 都係
戰羊300 2019-8-14 14:27:22
SuYuiMoa 2019-8-14 14:28:45 九月再去嚕
大波妹環遊世界 2019-8-14 16:38:26 可以考慮下,Patio Bangkok
信任的價值 2019-8-14 20:00:30 酒店又驚俾酒店員工偷野 不了
IMAX 2019-8-14 20:22:49 住五星級驚唔驚?
希美真由 2019-8-14 22:42:17 想問下有無人住過Amara Bangkok? 有無咩評價?thanks
LuluTung 2019-8-14 23:26:24
SuYuiMoa 2019-8-14 23:29:19 你識路? 車迷


LuluTung 2019-8-14 23:29:54
SuYuiMoa 2019-8-14 23:31:21

卧刀不能拔 2019-8-14 23:59:46 想問下,泰國有冇笑氣?越南啲Bar好興嗰種氣球
最艾金拱門土豆條 2019-8-15 11:01:53 8月20去左 BAIYOKE 食榴槤BUFFET , 伏到HIHI
6:30 果場得3 台客,
唔準狙擊女朋友 2019-8-15 11:49:54 依家先8月15啵朋友
最艾金拱門土豆條 2019-8-15 13:05:33 SORRY 打錯 , 8月12 先真
gladden 2019-8-15 13:48:55 此回覆已被刪除
4眼仔 2019-8-15 17:34:13 睇左D youtuber Manson果d食到好津津有味好似好正咁
巴打, 咁大落差?
三思然後含 2019-8-15 17:45:42 有 但唔係間間有
最艾金拱門土豆條 2019-8-15 17:48:52 我都係睇manson 去, 可能唔係季節掛
D 榴槤唔係即開, 在雪柜年出來,

我話要林, 佢話冇


prokofiev 2019-8-15 18:03:13 My friend and I are going to Thailand for our holiday today. I’m waiting for her on the corner outside Times Square. She lives just round the corner so it’ll take her five minutes to come. Meanwhile, a pedestrian came and asked me if there was any medical centre nearby because he suffered from heatstroke. I told him that there were a clinic and a pharmacy just around the corner. As summer is just round the corner, people suffer from heatstroke more easily. There’re many ways to prevent heatstroke during hot weather. At home sitting in a recliner or an armchair or on a sofa rather than in a chair or on a stool does wonders for your body. Eating a balanced diet of veggies and fruits and a little meat can work wonders for your health. Exercise and meditation do wonders for mind and body. My friend is an exquisitely beautiful woman. Samantha ko is also an exquisitely beautiful woman. Like me, they both have an exquisite taste in fashion, shoes and hairstyles. Both of them are glamorous women who always dress up in glamorous outfits. They rarely dress down. The other week I saw her dress up in Superman costume for a party while Samantha was in eighties clothing. By the way I don’t think you need to dress up to go to work. A t-shirt and shorts are fine. Just dress down to go to work. Both she and I are boxing fans. Floyd will be fighting next April in Vegas. If he tests positive for steroids again the fans will be terribly disappointed with him. The promotor will also be deeply disappointed in him because last year two of his tests came back positive. As a result he was suspended for four months. However if he loses because of ring rust due to having been suspended for four months the fans including me will be bitterly disappointed by the result. My brother who too is a boxing fan will also be terribly disappointed at the fact that he loses due to ring rust because of having been suspended. I was a bit disappointed to hear his fight with Ricky was overturned to a no contest. The fans were deeply disappointed to find he would be suspended for four months.
我愛周秀娜 2019-8-15 19:48:53 8.16 學界-Stand With Hong Kong聯手萬人集會!國際本土戰線會師!
「英美港盟 主權在民」集會
時間:8:00-10:00 pm

(1) 英國確認中國違反《中英聯合聲明》國際條約;
(2) 英美國會各自制訂通過香港人權民主法案,制裁損害香港自治、自由、人權與民主的官員,如凍結他們的英美資產、禁止他們入境。


新百倫 2019-8-15 22:00:51 想請教呢幾間酒店, 邊間酒店住得過, 最重要近BTS
我serach expedia 套票, 最熱門呢幾間, 但好似唔係好出名咁
Amara Bangkok
Amari Watergate Bangkok
Mandarin Hotel Managed by Centre Point
Bandara Suites Silom Bangkok
gladden 2019-8-16 09:51:03 此回覆已被刪除