LIHKG 職業摔角討論 (12) All Elite Wrestling
KennyOmega 2019-3-27 12:56:19 買左


KennyOmega 2019-3-27 12:59:11 on9到震
魚能得利 2019-3-27 13:00:41 成三舊水
齋藤飛鳥老公 2019-3-27 13:01:35 如果贏都叫拎過 同埋係WM moment
亜銀 2019-3-27 13:18:35 唔知想點
OneWingAngel 2019-3-27 13:30:43 DON'T HINDER JINDER
NU_ABO 2019-3-27 14:28:23 痴撚線係咪又想玩WINNER TAKE ALL
華可可 2019-3-27 14:49:21 加大main event含金量
KennyOmega 2019-3-27 15:22:07 過黎過去 有咩含金量
亜銀 2019-3-27 16:08:19 咪就係
我老婆結婚了 2019-3-27 16:33:45 點都好過jobbermura,未攞過大belt,新日本topstar而家變成咁真係恥辱黎


鈴木不實 2019-3-29 11:34:59
NU_ABO 2019-3-29 19:43:35
OneWingAngel 2019-3-29 21:07:11 考緊試
我老婆結婚了 2019-3-29 21:51:00 呢到有無人去過返兩招
人約黃昏後 2019-3-29 22:20:12 45分鐘可以做d咩
鈴木不實 2019-3-29 23:13:16 屌 波台嗰邊好多人話佢地好好打㗎嘛
我老婆結婚了 2019-3-29 23:29:00

Gambino.Childish 2019-3-30 01:19:24
我老婆結婚了 2019-3-31 23:26:10 正呀喂,不過stone cold舉中指都要打格仔既
今晚打老婆 2019-4-1 11:18:19 係好正既
不過我自己最鍾意個場都係 WM18 Hogan vs The Rock

個一場既戲氣氛, 觀眾投入程度, Rock fans 變做Hogan fans, 2個icon 既表現都係超正,次次再睇返, 都覺得好正


我老婆結婚了 2019-4-1 12:21:32 印象最深刻都係wm17,人生第一次睇既ppv,當年半夜睇tvb直播,最後老麥俾張凳austin狂毆the rock,以前細個睇真係以為真打,個感覺好震撼
Gambino.Childish 2019-4-1 12:42:39 WWE was advertising Naomi vs. Carmella vs. Mandy Rose vs. Sonya Deville and the winner of that match would have challenged Asuka at Mania.

As noted by Dave Meltzer in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Mandy Rose was the person booked to win the match so it would have been Rose challenging Asuka for the title. There was also the backstory of Deville and Rose splitting up that seems to have been forgotten.

Meltzer added that the decision to scrap the match was made because the show is overloaded with matches and McMahon felt like the Asuka/Rose match would have little interest and putting the belt on Flair would make the main event match stronger.
人約黃昏後 2019-4-1 13:34:27 快撚d死啦老麥
魚能得利 2019-4-1 13:44:15 我要睇Mandy rose呀屌你老母