LIHKG 職業摔角討論 (12) All Elite Wrestling
KennyOmega 2019-6-26 16:27:36 好想冇人係nxt到走


我們一起學喵叫 2019-6-26 16:31:42 ec3被消失
齋藤飛鳥老公 2019-6-26 16:35:15 WWE寧願俾錢你翻嚟飲水都好過放你出去做威脅
YUI 2019-6-26 16:51:11

其實咁快推佢上去做乜,nxt 都好似冇打過幾多場
Dream.OVER 2019-6-26 19:29:28 WWE 行底薪+佣金
主要收入都係睇賣幾多t shirt
Dream.OVER 2019-6-26 19:36:30 NXT仲唔發大嚟搞真係好嘥
NU_ABO 2019-6-27 11:01:19 摔角時報 Chinese Wrestling Audio
16 mins ·
繼Stomping Ground入場人數慘淡後,接下來在Everett Washinton舉行的RAW大會更加嚴重,只有約3500人。這可能是RAW這20年而來入場人數最低記錄。

摔角時報主編 阿Rick

KennyOmega 2019-6-27 11:03:58 執柒左佢啦
AJ_Styles 2019-6-27 11:11:25
亜銀 2019-6-27 11:48:43

魚能得利 2019-6-27 18:17:33 冇人睇又搵返ut班老野黎頂


prokofiev 2019-6-27 19:18:11 I’ve heard he’s out of commission and will be back in commission next week.
鈴木不實 2019-6-29 12:20:52

NU_ABO 2019-6-29 15:54:17
NU_ABO 2019-6-30 12:52:49 扮街霸
Dream.OVER 2019-6-30 23:57:52 冇人睇咗AEW Fyter Fest
NU_ABO 2019-7-1 00:12:49 剩係睇左BUY IN
血肉皆淨 2019-7-1 23:39:45 CLS cody 個頭比shawn spears 爆到
OneWingAngel 2019-7-2 10:41:28
我們一起學喵叫 2019-7-2 12:18:08 moxley果場
prokofiev 2019-7-2 12:30:51 The following is Kane’s favourite technique: He throws a right hook for all he is worth followed by a throw. From here, he begins working for a choke.


prokofiev 2019-7-2 12:32:47 The Undertaker’s favourite is the following: he throws a left hook for all he is worth followed by multiple knees to the head. From here he begins working for a powerbomb
Dream.OVER 2019-7-2 23:46:20 7月2日我闘雲舞 里歩卒業
NU_ABO 2019-7-3 08:45:50 唔通簽AEW
NU_ABO 2019-7-3 08:46:38 玩釘真係自己都痛埋一份咁