星輝曉逝 2019-3-11 11:25:59 不嬲都3月尾唔係咩


星輝曉逝 2019-3-11 11:26:48 小薯表示舊年多過1個月
慘慘員工 2019-3-11 23:25:09 我未收過啵,你有幾錢花紅?
慘慘員工 2019-3-11 23:25:36 搵緊
你同我記住 2019-3-11 23:36:36 上年有
你同我記住 2019-3-11 23:36:55 走得快好世界
無野做好悶 2019-3-11 23:42:11 人工閪撚到咁都話唔閪 ching想水鳩人去做?
星輝曉逝 2019-3-12 01:44:28 睇PDR 通常around 1個月
慘慘員工 2019-3-12 21:41:35 睇番糧單2-5月
星輝曉逝 2019-3-12 21:46:58 April 9, 2018
Dear ,
2017 Discretionary Incentive Bonus

On behalf of the Company and the Management Team, I would like to thank you for your contribution over
the past year.
In recognition of your performance as well as that of your Business Unit / Function and the Group, you
will be granted a Discretionary Incentive Bonus of HKD under the Group’s 2017 Discretionary
Incentive Bonus Scheme.
Please note that the cash component of the Discretionary Incentive Bonus will be made payable to
you on April 10, 2018, provided that you remain in service and have not tendered resignation by the
bonus payment date.
Once again, on behalf of the Group, I would like to thank you for your hard work and I look forward to
your continued commitment in driving aggressive business growth and customer service excellence.
Florence Chow
Head of Group Human Resources
星輝曉逝 2019-3-12 21:48:13 重有股

We are pleased to advise you that Senior Management and the Board of HKT Limited (the “Company”) has determined that you are eligible to participate in the Staff Share Award Scheme, and you will be granted company shares in recognition of your performance. Details of your grant and the scheme rules are specified below. Computershare Hong Kong Trustees Limited, the Trustee to the Scheme (the “Trustee”) is instructed to acquire the shares for your benefit.


失業毒男 2019-3-12 21:54:01 此回覆已被刪除
失業毒男 2019-3-12 21:55:03 此回覆已被刪除
摩登時代 2019-3-12 21:56:32 睇黎你職級都唔細
一般band1 band2 既人應該聽都未聽過呢啲野

其實HKT/PCCW好大 當中又分唔同BU
每個BU 有各自有幾款請人方法 所以啲員工既待遇都好多花款
豉油專家∞ 2019-3-12 21:58:30 樓主應該係大大鑊返工
老綜二世 2019-3-12 22:00:46
老綜二世 2019-3-12 22:03:28
星輝曉逝 2019-3-12 22:09:11 小弟係bb1小薯
B.S. 2019-3-12 22:11:37 上年重要老練咁遠
星輝曉逝 2019-3-12 22:12:00 例如18年4月出信
之後你可以轉走去自己bank account
唔係d 息就跟payroll出 要tax
星輝曉逝 2019-3-12 22:15:37 我team連GT都抽中喎 2個BB2 2個BB1


傻豬黎既 2019-3-12 22:22:16 band 1 小員工搵工中
左右b 2019-3-12 22:50:05 年年都有

豉油專家∞ 2019-3-12 22:51:03 Ching扮乜
Jay_Gatsby 2019-3-12 22:52:06 唔係主管都有啵