[美國綜藝] Survivor 討論區 (2)
Ben_Simmons 2019-4-5 12:39:22 Edit上一定要講晒兩邊既諗法既


垃圾Conley 2019-4-5 12:53:21 victoria confirm 左tribal 前kelly 都知係eric 了
DLLMOL79 2019-4-5 13:35:03 Twitter?
垃圾Conley 2019-4-5 15:43:31 我睇reddit 話victoria twitter confirm 左
垃圾Conley 2019-4-6 03:50:04

Ben_Simmons 2019-4-6 03:58:26 I love her more now
DLLMOL79 2019-4-6 09:50:26 即係冇入到final啦
垃圾Conley 2019-4-6 11:30:16 佢edit 算係kama 入邊比較好
垃圾Conley 2019-4-7 22:17:20 係咪仲未講s40 既theme
Ben_Simmons 2019-4-11 09:19:44 其實今集本身應該真係kelley/david (before tribal)
more likely david la
aurora julia ruined that
Ben_Simmons 2019-4-11 10:28:53 btw Joe and Sierra engaged


DLLMOL79 2019-4-11 14:49:01 我本身都覺得係 特別是dinner table果度

跟著諗係2個都pull out idol所上集preview先shocking
點知TC極爆 julia自己攞黎 估唔到大部分kama flip 看不透
Ben_Simmons 2019-4-11 15:30:06 vote之前有consensus vote julia la
唔係點解kelley會問who voted david?

and leaving aurora alone again
DLLMOL79 2019-4-11 15:35:25 你又岩
anyway 點解你成日咁快睇左?外國jj?
Ben_Simmons 2019-4-11 15:39:39 David: Hi, remember me
Kelley: Yes i remember you
David: What was the plan tonight
Kelley: You
David: It was me? Thank you for the honesty
Ben_Simmons 2019-4-11 15:40:18 上網搵link睇 live

DLLMOL79 2019-4-11 15:44:00 我睇到果幕大笑左出黎

DLLMOL79 2019-4-11 15:44:47
Ben_Simmons 2019-4-11 15:48:24

btw今集勁早就播ic 以為會播兩集
Ben_Simmons 2019-4-11 15:48:45 Lesu5
DLLMOL79 2019-4-11 15:49:44 我都以為double boot
冇左reward challenge


垃圾Conley 2019-4-11 21:02:00 今集痴撚線
垃圾Conley 2019-4-11 21:02:20 more likely wentworth
垃圾Conley 2019-4-11 21:02:54 live tribal知道唔夠票
垃圾Conley 2019-4-11 21:06:58 julia