[美國綜藝] Survivor 討論區 (2)
Ben_Simmons 2019-3-28 17:56:57


DLLMOL79 2019-3-28 18:28:18

When wentworth didn’t play the idol
Ben_Simmons 2019-3-28 18:36:16 im dead
Ben_Simmons 2019-3-28 18:41:01 Lauren某d angle好kylie jenner
DLLMOL79 2019-3-28 18:42:11 But pre-plastic surgery right
Ben_Simmons 2019-3-28 18:46:44 大家心水清啦
垃圾Conley 2019-3-28 20:58:10 唔係啦
kelley 完完全全唔知情, 只係咁岩佢地投joe 唔投kelley
kama strong 就咁睇唔會行得遠, 因為david devon 都知佢地唔係最核心既alliance
垃圾Conley 2019-3-28 20:58:54 都冇乜twist會差過fire making了
垃圾Conley 2019-3-28 21:00:08 kelley 又in the bottom
垃圾Conley 2019-3-28 21:05:09 不過kelley handle呢個vote 真係handle得麻麻地
Ben_Simmons 2019-3-28 21:07:06 如果真係唔知they gun for joe,就真係好risky


垃圾Conley 2019-3-28 21:24:26 佢好明顯唔知
Ben_Simmons 2019-3-28 21:31:04 所以多左extinction 會令班人覺得being voted out都仲有個安全網
有d move都唔知信唔信自己guts好
籌旗沙夏 2019-3-29 00:27:51 下集係wardog暈就好笑

牛高馬大,challenge 廢到
Isaaglutt 2019-3-29 00:42:05
big wendy走左
Isaaglutt 2019-3-29 00:42:25
Ben_Simmons 2019-3-29 01:03:44
Staples 2019-3-29 04:38:13 Wentworth 咁既edit好難贏
垃圾Conley 2019-3-29 07:02:22 好波呀
垃圾Conley 2019-3-29 07:02:57 本身佢就好難嬴
垃圾Conley 2019-3-29 07:03:20 點解咁多人target kelley, 冇人target david


DLLMOL79 2019-3-29 07:22:09 Strategy threat掛
今集victoria講有physical threat, strategic threat, physical pan左去joe, threat pan左去wentworth
DLLMOL79 2019-3-29 08:20:05 佢把聲同身型好man 但擲波仲衰過餓死既Lauren

垃圾Conley 2019-3-29 15:16:45 成季都係咁
Ben_Simmons 2019-3-29 15:32:36