[美國綜藝] Survivor 討論區 (2)
DLLMOL79 2019-3-22 08:21:33 啲人話呢兩個tribe去TC係最好


垃圾Conley 2019-3-22 08:59:55 係啦
好似個結果turn out ok
垃圾Conley 2019-3-22 09:00:07 好彩*
垃圾Conley 2019-3-22 21:14:11
Ben_Simmons 2019-3-22 21:25:21 From fb
My 4 year old grandson throws a ball better and harder than Wardog!! Hes pathetic at challenges!! He needs to GO!!!
Ben_Simmons 2019-3-22 21:27:19 呢個係airtime or confession something?
垃圾Conley 2019-3-22 21:35:35 confessional count 啦
mypenisred 2019-3-22 21:37:48 今次後半集好正
team Kelley and Lauren

不過今季Aubry plays too hard啦,我覺得佢唔多唔小都有returnee包伏所以係咁話要make big move
mypenisred 2019-3-22 21:40:10 不過有joe既tribe真係輸極有限

Kelley都話隔離tribe贏係靠佢,同埋玩monkey ball joe 1st toss就得,kelley忍唔住講左佢he is so annoying
垃圾Conley 2019-3-22 21:52:18 kelley lauren

唔知係咪因為aubry game changer 太唔aggressive
不過我都唔係好記得gc d 野
垃圾Conley 2019-3-22 21:52:39 joe challenge 真係太勁

ozzy 後最勁


垃圾Conley 2019-3-22 21:53:23 不過懷疑joe challenge 黎講仲all round 過ozzy
ozzy 係游水勁d, 或者athletic 少少
Ben_Simmons 2019-3-22 22:01:24 Kelley is the queen

隔離個班除左aubry joe victoria真係0亮點
垃圾Conley 2019-3-22 22:43:14 就咁睇都覺得joe post merge 兩集內就走
Ben_Simmons 2019-3-22 23:31:23 As long as kelley and lauren are safe
I don’t care
行路種子 2019-3-27 17:45:24 合併後joe一輸應該就byebye
垃圾Conley 2019-3-27 20:57:09 challenge 太勁真係冇用
Ben_Simmons 2019-3-28 12:07:56 my queens survived another one
DLLMOL79 2019-3-28 14:46:19 雖然睇edit都唔似佢走 但佢真係好撚大膽又唔用idol 其實佢係咪收到好多風
同堆julia定juliue堅持joe 可能edit問題先搞到好似係wentworth
不過lesu都係等收皮 kama真係似kama strong 特別joe走後
kama實想踢走returnee, kelley, david都係等收皮 lauren又被當physical threat
Ben_Simmons 2019-3-28 14:58:46 joe輸immunity 返到camp已經放棄咁

Ben_Simmons 2019-3-28 15:04:46 Btw個twist係想點

1st out becomes part of jury,
你話呢6個其中一個可以return, 打後都唔會再有
某程度上仲衰過final 4 firemaking challenge


DLLMOL79 2019-3-28 15:31:44 完全唔epic 咪好似blood v water同redemption island 只不過group埋去玩
講真 呢個twist我覺得點都好過final 4 firemaking
final 4比人踢走果個次次都係最大threat果個 firemaking留得低 final speech仲可以加分
DLLMOL79 2019-3-28 16:13:40 最看唔透係kelley gang投david, david gang投kelley
到底係因為唔洗再合作而反肚 定split vote
佢地5個加joe+aurora可以vote out kama
或者想搏 出idol救人 令自己果邊夠人數
而家kama冇人flip lesu再自相殘殺就輪著走 等睇邊個好彩捱到lesu最後一兩個 就變做swing vote
Ben_Simmons 2019-3-28 16:43:19 david rick想痴kama個邊
但kama core 6 too tight to vote joe
如果講左比david聽, 絕對有機會夠數flip the game
所以david rick’s votes goes to kelley
Ben_Simmons 2019-3-28 16:47:11 Kelley Lauren TC’s facial reactions = best
