[美國綜藝] Survivor 討論區 (2)
垃圾Conley 2019-5-13 15:07:30 s30 真係睇到好depressed


DLLMOL79 2019-5-13 15:10:08 Shirin雖然癲癲地但班人bully佢 真係睇到炆
Ben_Simmons 2019-5-13 15:20:48 班cast冇個正常
rodney will dan
DLLMOL79 2019-5-13 15:24:30 Will係final tribal串佢笑到我死
啲人話rodney特登投佢一票 因為friend 等佢做first runner up可以分多啲錢
Ben_Simmons 2019-5-13 15:33:48 呢個season其實都memorable, 係睇埋癲佬cast真心好攰
尤其dan, 真係one of my all time hate
不過見到佢係jury望到mike wearing necklace個樣就爽
DLLMOL79 2019-5-13 15:38:17 個格已經衰
Ben_Simmons 2019-5-13 15:44:34 已經完全唔關edit事
LionLovesCat 2019-5-13 15:48:37 此回覆已被刪除
LionLovesCat 2019-5-13 15:48:55 此回覆已被刪除
Ben_Simmons 2019-5-14 17:36:01 Preview話the most unpredictable survivor finale

垃圾Conley 2019-5-14 23:48:59 季季都係咁講


籌旗沙夏 2019-5-15 17:25:14 係reed出番黎贏埋就真係most unpredictable

Ben_Simmons 2019-5-15 21:28:17

Ben_Simmons 2019-5-16 08:32:09 chris wins EoE challenge
julie wins immunity
Ben_Simmons 2019-5-16 08:51:09 shit lauren misplayed
Ben_Simmons 2019-5-16 09:22:17
Ben_Simmons 2019-5-16 09:22:43 屌你老母
Ben_Simmons 2019-5-16 09:34:17 Start hating this season now
Ben_Simmons 2019-5-16 09:34:58 Reminds me of this
Ben_Simmons 2019-5-16 09:38:50 今次Fire making仲要比你練埋
Ben_Simmons 2019-5-16 10:01:32


Ben_Simmons 2019-5-16 10:02:12
小便有泡 2019-5-16 10:08:01 3個都唔值得
d jury一定好難揀
小便有泡 2019-5-16 10:10:18 chris 總係覺得中間skip左咁多,唔worth
gavin 好dd 但都係得Ron果次有make move,其他都係follower
但佢兩個點都好過julie 情緒都未控制到
Ben_Simmons 2019-5-16 10:57:35 Season 39
Island of the Idols
with Boston and Sandra