[美國綜藝] Survivor 討論區 (2)
Staples 2019-5-2 09:08:57 個TC精彩到呢


Ben_Simmons 2019-5-2 09:35:57 Rick drama king
Staples 2019-5-2 15:02:40 Chris唔上
Ben_Simmons 2019-5-2 16:11:27 btw Rick今集剪到好ben
DLLMOL79 2019-5-2 19:57:37 今集好睇 devens好撚醒 但我真係好唔鍾意佢

好有ben影子 一係贏immunity 一係去搵idol 如果佢有練透火 F4佢係度 最後實佢贏

如果devens唔贏既話 剩返幾個都好冇冠軍相 唔似Michelle merge左起碼都有搞下野
垃圾Conley 2019-5-2 20:55:00 gavin
Martiart20 2019-5-2 21:13:31 暫時睇得lauren 同devens有機會拎
想知aoe 班選手會幾時番去?
垃圾Conley 2019-5-2 21:21:36 Victoria 勁撚到
垃圾Conley 2019-5-2 21:23:27 Victoria is playing the best game
垃圾Conley 2019-5-2 21:27:38 Perfect game so far
但冇winner edit
垃圾Conley 2019-5-2 21:29:36 其實我覺得唔係好似


垃圾Conley 2019-5-2 21:30:30 有小小唔係好理解點解咁多devens hate
mypenisred 2019-5-2 23:50:57 今集


mypenisred 2019-5-2 23:51:50 佢太大個target啦,同埋佢同ben都係好似,又係後期好大target但靠節目組比advantages,咁樣令人太反感
mypenisred 2019-5-2 23:52:47 不過個eoe真係唔知想點,去到得番7個人都仲未有returnee,同埋睇下集個預告應該又係eoe有advantage比existing player
Ben_Simmons 2019-5-3 00:11:23 佢係唯一一個每集都投岩side既player
Staples 2019-5-3 00:13:38 下集double boot
之後finale 先有EOE challenge
垃圾Conley 2019-5-3 00:15:03 真係覺得victoria好勁
每次都係right side, 唔怕make move, 但唔會太aggressive
有strong alliance, 從來都唔係target
係我角度so far真係perfect game
佢個edit只係咁一般真係有D難理解, 又唔似係一個好悶既人黎
垃圾Conley 2019-5-3 00:17:01 final 幾先有?
Ben_Simmons 2019-5-3 00:23:05 嘩屌
Ben_Simmons 2019-5-3 00:32:36 即係final 4先有return


Staples 2019-5-3 00:35:04 Finale應該係EOE challenge,F5 IC,F4 IC
Staples 2019-5-3 01:25:43 Survivor S39

Islands of the idols

Rob 同 Sandra會係另一個Island,佢地只係做指導,唔玩
運作大概似Ghost Island
垃圾Conley 2019-5-3 11:43:36 希望s40 冇咁多on9 twist
DLLMOL79 2019-5-3 12:23:10 咪撚搞咁多gimmick 全new cast就已經好睇