[美國綜藝] Survivor 討論區 (2)
垃圾Conley 2019-4-25 00:39:36 on99


Ben_Simmons 2019-4-25 00:42:28 係咪即係出場一集個d
Ben_Simmons 2019-4-25 00:43:12 Amber係咪湊仔
Staples 2019-4-25 04:44:28 聽聞係上全季
Ben_Simmons 2019-4-25 04:45:01 ....
華可可 2019-4-25 07:46:53 當去旅行?
Ben_Simmons 2019-4-25 10:14:19 Wardog proved:
big move=/=smart move
DLLMOL79 2019-4-25 10:19:10 終於睇左live 仲睇埋TAR

再咁搞法呢個season可能會出個weak winner
DLLMOL79 2019-4-25 10:22:14 Sorry but Parvati is more deserve to be two times sole survivor of all time!!

she is my fav player
Ben_Simmons 2019-4-25 10:40:18 咁搞法似f6先return -> real f7
Ben_Simmons 2019-4-25 10:43:15 開始覺得ron玩得幾好


Ben_Simmons 2019-4-25 10:55:22 Lauren the only MANU haven’t voted out
DLLMOL79 2019-4-25 11:43:31 所以如果returnee係個廢既 而佢又入到final 佢有機會贏 Kama bottom, 變swing vote, 之後同所有人都有alliance, 邊個vote off佢有份決定

DLLMOL79 2019-4-25 11:44:14 With an idol!!!!
Lauren實入唔到final, lesu jury會投佢 變左又係一個threat
Staples 2019-4-25 12:55:11 第9位上S40
Denise (S25)

籌旗沙夏 2019-4-25 14:48:10 其實我覺得全winner都未必好睇
如果出10winner vs 10 runner up
或5winner v 5runner v 5jury v 5non-jury
都幾有興趣,不過前提係要fans vote
Ben_Simmons 2019-4-25 15:24:57 Still better than Ben
垃圾Conley 2019-4-25 20:53:13 發覺今集冇乜心機睇
DLLMOL79 2019-4-25 23:45:35 10 winner v 10 runner up就變到好似咁季咁
贏過是原罪 就比人夾硬做藉口boot early
DLLMOL79 2019-4-25 23:46:11 Ben Simmons?
Ben_Simmons 2019-4-26 00:05:24 講緊winner


Ben_Simmons 2019-4-26 00:06:10 Kelley比想像中多左鏡頭
DLLMOL79 2019-4-26 00:21:05 Lauren and her are giving us all the reaction
Ben_Simmons 2019-4-26 00:26:08 Kelley: *muahmuahmuah*
DLLMOL79 2019-4-26 00:46:44 其實wardog根本see it coming, orchestra voting off Kelley, your alliance is on9