IT界討論區(58) 唔講上一份人工
Code4Food 2019-3-5 16:30:42 For compiler work, masters or even PhD are common.


一隻毒LIT狗 2019-3-5 16:31:45 同ML一樣wo
可憐貓 2019-3-5 16:36:29 呢d case如果轉左出黎, 響香港會唔會搵唔到第間有整compiler既公司.....
吠到你叫春 2019-3-5 16:41:11 有冇人去過cityline interview? 覺得呢間公司好唔好?

值唔值得等? 會唔會日日無限ot

啱啱收到call有interview 但同時間有份offer

Code4Food 2019-3-5 16:45:17 Trust me. You would literally code for food if you want to do compiler work in Hong Kong.
I have only seen one compiler opening by a HK company for many many years.

Last time I checked they had a job ad on jobsdb. Now it seems that the compiler position is in ShengZhen. I think why this company hires a compiler engineer is because of Fred Chow, who is a big wheel in the compiler circle. He worked at SGI and architected Open64.

But he went to Hua Wei apparently.
無未來 2019-3-5 16:53:47
意見箱 2019-3-5 16:54:01 真IT公司嚟 非startup 我覺得純IT嘅公司出手點都會高啲正常啲
意見箱 2019-3-5 16:56:10
Code4Food 2019-3-5 17:00:37 如果係移民美國,咁搵到有公司肯請你同申請綠卡就夠。好似係,除非唔係。

Code4Food 2019-3-5 17:03:04 去外國讀CS masters會增加幾會但唔包一定得。有成功例子但亦有機會搵唔到工要返原居地。
手一黏便緊(UTC+9 2019-3-5 17:03:40 其實唔難 javascript都寫到parser


Code4Food 2019-3-5 17:06:17 parser只係compiler好少部份,真正有趣嘅野係optimization。
i-vtec找J/屎眼數 2019-3-5 17:08:57 想問清楚啫
手一黏便緊(UTC+9 2019-3-5 17:09:08 抄gcc 然後針對自己platform做啲dirty work就得 講係咁講
i-vtec找J/屎眼數 2019-3-5 17:11:26
Code4Food 2019-3-5 17:15:25 我有班同事以前係將gcc入面其中一個內部framework重寫。咁算唔算dirty work。
手一黏便緊(UTC+9 2019-3-5 17:16:18 好難評價 gcc本身啲code亂到
吠到你叫春 2019-3-5 17:22:05 知唔知會唔會ot 到仆街
Code4Food 2019-3-5 17:25:07 BTJ 好多公司轉用clang/llvm。open source compiler唔係得gcc only
手一黏便緊(UTC+9 2019-3-5 17:26:38 Yes
兩睇 gcc底薀勁啲 clang/llvm相對比較少舊code包袱
Code4Food 2019-3-5 17:33:27 clang/llvm係C++ based maintenance同extensibility會好D。gcc已經轉做C++好幾年但個底都係C有啲包袱(好耐無睇過gcc source code而家可能好D)。

除技術上分別,法律上gcc同llvm有重要分別。gcc係行GPL-v3,對部份公司係一個問題。蘋果以前係keep住一個好舊嘅GPL-v2 gcc一段時間,因為licensing嘅問題。都後來蘋果以clang/llvm全部代替gcc。


青花瓷 2019-3-5 18:01:14 cls 講緊乜7
btw寫開python 學C / c++定rust好
手一黏便緊(UTC+9 2019-3-5 18:24:21 殊 中小企靜靜雞改完當自主研究無人知既
手一黏便緊(UTC+9 2019-3-5 18:25:10 Both>C/C++>>>>>>>>>rust
i-vtec找J/屎眼數 2019-3-5 18:40:25