[數撚圍爐區] There are three kinds of people in the world. (10)
吾不懂數學 2019-2-28 13:42:13 Post 1: https://lihkg.com/thread/738738/page/1
Post 2: https://lihkg.com/thread/772467/page/1
Post 3: https://lihkg.com/thread/849961/page/1
Post 4: https://lihkg.com/thread/915621/page/1
Post 5: https://lihkg.com/thread/937810/page/1
Post 6: https://lihkg.com/thread/951155/page/1
Post 7: https://lihkg.com/thread/981465/page/1
Post 8: https://lihkg.com/thread/1006533/page/1
Post 9: https://lihkg.com/thread/1023426/page/1


Booklist (歡迎大家填同留comment)

如果想問參考書請提供background, level, 同埋想用黎做咩 (e.g.純粹想applied落某D problem, 考qual, etc.)


吾不懂數學 2019-2-28 13:42:52

今朝冇酒 2019-2-28 13:45:10 此回覆已被刪除
笑騎騎•放毒蛇 2019-2-28 13:45:58
吾不懂數學 2019-2-28 13:46:22
今朝冇酒 2019-2-28 13:46:32 此回覆已被刪除
吾不懂數學 2019-2-28 13:47:25
笑騎騎•放毒蛇 2019-2-28 13:48:10
夢追人 2019-2-28 14:00:20
今朝冇酒 2019-2-28 14:18:23 此回覆已被刪除
吾不懂數學 2019-2-28 14:21:39


今朝冇酒 2019-2-28 14:25:03 此回覆已被刪除
笑騎騎•放毒蛇 2019-2-28 14:26:27
今朝冇酒 2019-2-28 14:29:37 此回覆已被刪除
吾不懂數學 2019-2-28 14:47:52
笑騎騎•放毒蛇 2019-2-28 14:54:38
吾不懂數學 2019-2-28 14:55:48
笑騎騎•放毒蛇 2019-2-28 14:59:51
吾不懂數學 2019-2-28 15:01:01
笑騎騎•放毒蛇 2019-2-28 15:10:41
托瑪斯穆勒 2019-2-28 15:12:20 CU個MSc狗也不屌,學啲野廢過undergrad 啲courses,想學難啲,最多只可以簡2科undergrad嘅course
最戇鳩係嗰科Differential and Algebraic Methods in Geometry,係到起勢搵first / second fundamental form用左成堂,比幾千蚊係到睇佢d,d足成堂,咁就完左,搵個中學生都做到啦,又唔講啲theory 野,齋係到計數,仲要同埋啲弱智中學老師一齊上堂,考試前前問呢題出唔題!

個lecturer 都叫我唔洗咁比心機,又唔計hon的,呢個master 洗唔到底的

依家畢左業,個master 又幫唔到搵工,真係唔知讀黎做咩


吾不懂數學 2019-2-28 15:16:33
吾不懂數學 2019-2-28 15:16:56
夢追人 2019-2-28 15:18:00
夢追人 2019-2-28 15:18:48