科大討論區 (25) - 撥着大霧默默地在覓我的去路
宮脇咲良(13歲) 2019-3-30 01:32:57 don't jump

me distribute plastic only


宮脇咲良(13歲) 2019-3-30 01:34:51 Life's full of hope

UST is the best school ever in the world

We are glad to be here
宮脇咲良(13歲) 2019-3-30 01:35:50 Thanks you everyone

Me go back to entertainment community
椎名空 2019-3-30 01:39:22 University of Sunshine and Tomorrow
宮脇咲良(13歲) 2019-3-30 02:00:11 Thanks UST, become another person

University of Full of Hope
CVTakagi高橋李依 2019-3-30 08:19:20 It seems that you are being brainwashed
海砂 2019-3-30 11:13:35
宮脇咲良(13歲) 2019-3-30 11:27:45 It's fact
九唔搭八喎 2019-3-30 11:40:56
靚仔過古天奴 2019-3-30 11:41:50 份chem卷好難
宮脇咲良(13歲) 2019-3-30 12:03:26 830-1245

early leave???

DSE chicken


Nein 2019-3-30 12:49:16 真.古清?
91M 2019-3-30 15:18:56
科大哂銀時 2019-3-30 15:20:50 科大世界第一
真豬都冇咁豬 2019-3-30 15:58:43
真豬都冇咁豬 2019-3-30 16:00:04 啱啱交埋2431 份homework 終於迎來足足六日冇assignment/homework due/midterm 嘅日子
淨土 2019-3-30 16:17:12
科大哂銀時 2019-3-30 16:42:40 Hi
淨土 2019-3-30 16:44:39 巧耐冇見了
(´・ェ・`) 2019-3-30 17:51:36 此回覆已被刪除
椎名空 2019-3-30 17:54:22 醒未


(´・ェ・`) 2019-3-30 17:59:24 此回覆已被刪除
宮脇咲良(13歲) 2019-3-30 18:41:01 fake intestine?
海砂 2019-3-30 19:06:40
好想死 2019-3-30 19:51:18