點解「微波爐叮提子🍇」會製造出 等離子體(Plasma)? 科學家終研究出解釋
炒麵可 2019-2-22 03:04:04 不要在家嘗試
將一粒提子切半, 然後一齊貼住咁放入微波爐叮



Plasma is known as the fourth state of matter (first three states are solids, liquids and gases). Plasma is created by adding energy to a gas so that some of its electrons leave its atom.

For years, the internet has hemmed and hawed over a mysterious yet universal truth: a grape, sliced nearly in half and placed in the microwave, will suddenly begin to spit plasma.
A microwave, and Some plasma

The fiery sight had us mystified for years, garnering millions of views online. none of the expert opinions before were based on formal research.
Now, at long last, a team of three physicists thinks they have it figured out.

Three scientists, Hamza K. Khattak, Pablo Bianucci, and Aaron D. Slepkov, published an explanation in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
Explanation (in short):
A grape is the right size and refractive index to trap microwaves inside it. When you place two (or two halves) close together the fields interact with each other creating a maximum of electromagnetic energy where they touch. This creates heating, sparks, and plasma, which is further fed with energy directly by the microwaves.
How Microwaving Grapes Makes Plasmahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCrtk-pyP0I&t=2s
啲Microwave 會因為內反射困住喺粒提子度,
然後不停有新microwave加入, 能量會不停放大.
當兩粒提子(或兩個切半咗嘅提子) 放一齊, 佢地嘅磁場相互影響, 產生巨大電磁能量, 形成 等離子體(Plasma).

Linking plasma formation in grapes to microwave resonances of aqueous dimers
Received for review October 25, 2018
approved January 9, 2019


德望閪唔閪望得 2019-2-22 03:07:30 Lm聽日睇
心刀淡鳩埋 2019-2-22 03:14:59 咁會點嫁
炒麵可 2019-2-22 03:17:43 唔一定要提子
任何size大約1.3cm, 多水份 理論上都做到
例如 香水珠,水BB
妳會喜歡我嗎 2019-2-22 03:18:57 睪丸?
炒麵可 2019-2-22 03:28:51 太大
炒麵可 2019-2-22 03:38:20 無點嘅
平時plasma 無咁易(可以喺屋企)做到

誰又騎著那鳩飛過 2019-2-22 03:58:39 此回覆已被刪除
西方失敗 2019-2-22 04:01:38
笑騎騎•放毒蛇 2019-2-22 04:12:44
煙庭久(不再搞事) 2019-2-22 04:20:57 係屋企整會點


電莖姨 2019-2-22 04:25:56 你會浪費咗一粒提子
若然屬實 2019-2-22 04:26:11 切開部電視去丁
炒麵可 2019-2-22 04:30:13 可能仲食得呢
搞曬GAG 2019-2-22 04:32:27 此回覆已被刪除
殺戮都市 2019-2-22 04:36:19 其實佢自爆左佢果兩粒係比正常細
殺戮都市 2019-2-22 04:37:08 我記得算
霸王大相公 2019-2-22 04:37:46 lm
炒麵可 2019-2-22 06:36:47 以前中學讀plasma 點解無玩過依個
妳是我心上人 2019-2-22 13:17:11 #1第2條片果2個人好熟面口
Sticker 2019-2-22 13:32:55 此回覆已被刪除


老閪殻 2019-2-22 13:33:52 中學雞可以試新野了
是龜也是頭是龜頭 2019-2-22 13:39:22 困住既原因係提子皮?
凝同蜜露 2019-2-22 13:40:24 Veritasium
巨龍倉鼠 2019-2-22 13:49:23 緊係係公司整啦