[雙紅會🔴⚪️⚫️] 曼聯終極FF轉會新聞暨吹水區 [514]
英倫10號拉舒福特 2019-2-24 01:55:06



高東萬 2019-2-24 02:01:19 條片仲要剪咗段謝拉特紅牌
無止境的冗 2019-2-24 02:02:52 係361日
阻住地球轉 2019-2-24 02:06:38
Ole蘇斯黑柴 2019-2-24 02:12:34 Tielemens好似幾啱用
dudefuckinwalks 2019-2-24 02:15:45 冇人留意到入面有拜利球烏龍
也許當時 2019-2-24 02:29:34 此回覆已被刪除
第糕火麞 2019-2-24 02:38:38 其實好似係zaha搞椰子個女先比椰子掃地出門
十蚊紙 2019-2-24 02:38:39 呢知IG PAGE高質過垃圾足球快報
Lukaku(控甩腳) 2019-2-24 02:48:02 又loop
Lukaku(控甩腳) 2019-2-24 02:56:16 “It’s hard to take (His United experience). Obviously, getting to United isn’t easy, so not being given a chance is hard to take,” said Zaha.

There were rumours that the reason I wasn’t playing [many games] for United was because I slept with [then manager] David Moyes’s daughter, and no one [at the club] attempted to clear that up.

“So I was fighting my demons by myself, these rumours that I knew weren’t true. I was dealing with this at 19; living in Manchester by myself, nowhere near anyone else, because the club had a hold over where I lived.

“They hadn’t given me a car, like every other player [had]. Nothing. I’m living in this hell by myself, away from my family, and I thought, ‘If this doesn’t make me stronger, what will’?”

When asked if it is sometimes forgotten that footballers are human beings, Zaha added: “Yeah, they really do. I explain this to my friends all the time. When I was at United I had [money], but I was still so down and depressed.

佢應該都幾憎曼聯 仲有人寄望佢會返黎 真係搞笑


花心糖膠 2019-2-24 02:56:23 名宿Evans 入波
迷靴 2019-2-24 03:02:25 屌,真係有人信
9up. 2019-2-24 03:21:42 聽日想係酒吧睇 有冇邊間介紹tst 區
秦子奇 2019-2-24 03:43:02 白撚痴先會信呢啲新聞
野獸深海晶 2019-2-24 03:48:29 費蛇復仇聯盟都有人信啦 呢D唔出奇
Lee_mina 2019-2-24 04:19:01 尖沙咀有間曼聯主題酒吧 不過聽日應該爆撚曬人
夜子+ 2019-2-24 07:15:44
稱王又稱霸 2019-2-24 07:20:38 此回覆已被刪除
橙頭神經刀 2019-2-24 07:21:35 咁撚on9嘅post肯定係足球快報
橙頭神經刀 2019-2-24 07:22:25 之前又話馬出到踲機會大過lin...


夜子+ 2019-2-24 07:25:32 唔係掛, 馬迪傷?
GoneWithTheWind 2019-2-24 07:30:59 呢個squad應該係based on記者見到有邊個入lowry hotel
仲有可能性的 但如果無馬迪真係大撚獲
Ga大勢 2019-2-24 07:36:17 無馬迪真係大撚獲
浴缸裡的貓 2019-2-24 07:52:13 比車狗贏聯賽盃同埋熱狗啦