[Enjoy 雞胸💔💙] 巴塞隆拿球迷討論區 (283)
醉酒(右閘)._. 2019-2-22 10:12:35 你想chur死拉子?


咲庵 2019-2-22 10:18:00 此回覆已被刪除
skschrys 2019-2-22 10:22:44 我諗唔會用時出哂咁多前鋒

媽好急呀 2019-2-22 10:25:34 古丹馬美 一齊出 真係要ff古可以變成小白咁穩先得
咲庵 2019-2-22 10:27:50 此回覆已被刪除
S_Roberto 2019-2-22 10:28:22 要佢突破到自己理論先得
S_Roberto 2019-2-22 10:28:51 放佢左翼但內切
咲庵 2019-2-22 10:39:14 此回覆已被刪除
skschrys 2019-2-22 10:41:34 same idea
希望佢同美斯會有火花 而唔係純駁腳
丹同杯會夾啲 但我估華DEE會出羅
名井南的彩瑛 2019-2-22 11:47:13 而家踢假9可能對佢有啲Demanding
S_Roberto 2019-2-22 12:09:54 Barça dream of signing Marcus Rashford this summer but realize this is almost impossible because the player has no release clause and his price would exceed 100 million euros. [Mundo Deportivo]


雪兔 2019-2-22 12:11:38 痴線
LeBron_James_23 2019-2-22 12:23:09 Martial好過啦
S_Roberto 2019-2-22 12:23:51 De Jong: "Arthur? I think he is really talented, amazing player. Very good with the ball, I like him a lot."

"I talked with Cillessen about Barcelona. He always said positive things about Barcelona. He helped me."

"I want to play with all of the players. Busquets is the best defensive midfielder in the world, his vision is amazing. I am looking forward to be on the pitch with him and to look at him and learn from him."

"Aleñá, really talented player as well. Amazing left foot, good dribble, really talented."

"Rakitić is amazing as well and he is one of the best midfielders in the world. He has a very good shot, tactically he is really good as well."

"Coutinho is amazingly talented, he has a lot of skills. He has a very good shot and I am looking forward to play with him."

"Vidal is really strong and has a lot of energy. He can score goals, he can defend like on of the best. I think he is very complete as a midfielder."
絢辻詞(三玖) 2019-2-22 12:41:30 好似差一個人wo 我地偉大既華dee都唔讚 de Jong 88
咲庵 2019-2-22 13:07:01 此回覆已被刪除
笑鋒(sold9) 2019-2-22 13:07:19 此回覆已被刪除
觀塘美欺 2019-2-22 13:51:22 又買翼?
觀塘美欺 2019-2-22 13:53:15

上條當麻 2019-2-22 14:01:29 god
九指連環 2019-2-22 14:06:38 martial續左約啦點買
中鋒先係top priority


LeBron_James_23 2019-2-22 14:09:07 唔係都打下中鋒咩
上條當麻 2019-2-22 14:09:15 巴神
上條當麻 2019-2-22 14:09:39 前鋒 唔是中鋒
耿鬼 2019-2-22 14:51:21 3月底飛東京