【推到完場】2020美國總統選舉 Bernie Sanders 討論區/粉絲帖/新聞張貼站 (1)
暴走的赫胥黎 2019-2-20 14:27:55 BERNIE 2020





暴走的赫胥黎 2019-2-20 14:35:08 push
暴走的赫胥黎 2019-2-20 14:36:57 push
健談高佬 2019-2-20 14:43:33 乜水 介紹下
暴走的赫胥黎 2019-2-20 14:44:41 An enthusiastic progressive who embraces proposals ranging from Medicare for All to free college tuition, Sanders stunned the Democratic establishment in 2016 with his spirited challenge to Hillary Clinton.


WASHINGTON (AP) — Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said Tuesday that he will seek the Democratic presidential nomination again, a decision that will test whether he can still generate the progressive energy that fueled his insurgent 2016 campaign.

“Our campaign is not only about defeating Donald Trump,” the 77-year-old self-described democratic socialist said in an email to supporters. “Our campaign is about transforming our country and creating a government based on the principles of economic, social, racial and environmental justice.”

An enthusiastic progressive who embraces proposals such as “Medicare-for-all” and free college tuition, Sanders stunned the Democratic establishment in 2016 with his spirited challenge to Hillary Clinton. While she ultimately became the party’s nominee, his campaign helped lay the groundwork for the leftward lurch that has dominated Democratic politics in the Trump era.

The question now for Sanders is whether he can stand out in a crowded field of Democratic presidential candidates who also embrace many of his policy ideas and who are newer to the national political stage. That’s far different from 2016, when he was Clinton’s lone progressive adversary.

Still, there is no question that Sanders will be a formidable contender for the Democratic nomination. He won more than 13 million votes in 2016 and dozens of primaries and caucuses. He opens his campaign with a nationwide organization and a proven small-dollar fundraising effort.

“We’re gonna win,” Sanders told CBS.

He said he was going to launch “what I think is unprecedented in modern American history”: a grassroots movement “to lay the groundwork for transforming the economic and political life of this country.”

Sanders described his new White House bid as a “continuation of what we did in 2016,” noting that policies he advocated for then are now embraced by the Democratic Party.

Trump told reporters that Sanders ran a great campaign in 2016 but that he believes the senator “missed his time.”

“I like Bernie,” Trump said, noting Sanders’ criticism of free trade. “The problem is he doesn’t know what to do about it. We’re doing something very spectacular on trade.”

Sanders goes into the campaign with several advantages, including the name recognition he earned from his last run. In a sign of the enthusiasm surrounding his campaign, Sanders raised $4 million on Tuesday from nearly 150,000 individual donors.

California Sen. Kamala Harris raised $1.5 million in the first 24 hours of her campaign. She was previously the biggest fundraiser in the race.

Sanders could also be well-positioned to compete in the nation’s first primary in neighboring New Hampshire, which he won by 22 points in 2016. But he won’t have the state to himself.

Harris was in New Hampshire on Monday and said she’d compete for the state. She also appeared to take a dig at Sanders.

“The people of New Hampshire will tell me what’s required to compete in New Hampshire,” she told shoppers at a bookstore in Concord. “But I will tell you I’m not a democratic socialist.”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren of nearby Massachusetts will be in New Hampshire on Friday.
暴走的赫胥黎 2019-2-20 14:44:51 One of the biggest questions surrounding Sanders’ candidacy is how he’ll compete against someone like Warren, who shares many of his policy goals. Warren has already launched her campaign and has planned an aggressive swing through the early primary states.

Shortly after announcing her exploratory committee, Warren hired Brendan Summers, who managed Sanders’ 2016 Iowa campaign. Other staffers from Sanders’ first bid also have said they would consider working for other candidates in 2020.

The crowded field includes other candidates who will likely make strong appeals to the Democratic base including Harris and Sens. Cory Booker of New Jersey, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Kirsten Gillibrand of New York. The field could grow, with a number of high-profile Democrats still considering presidential bids, including former Vice President Joe Biden and former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke.

While Sanders had been working to lay the groundwork for a second campaign for months, it was unclear whether he will be able to expand his appeal beyond his largely white base of supporters. In 2016, Sanders notably struggled to garner support from black voters, an issue that could become particularly pervasive during a primary race with several nonwhite candidates.

Last month, he joined Booker at an event in Columbia, South Carolina, marking Martin Luther King Jr. Day. In 2016, Sanders lost the South Carolina primary, which features a heavily black electorate, by 47 points.

Sanders also faces different pressures in the #MeToo era. Some of his male staffers and supporters in 2016 were described as “Bernie bros” for their treatment of women.

In the run-up to Sanders’ 2020 announcement, persistent allegations emerged of sexual harassment of women by male staffers during his 2016 campaign. Politico and The New York Times reported several allegations of unwanted sexual advances and pay inequity.

In an interview with CNN after the initial allegations surfaced, Sanders apologized but also noted he was “a little busy running around the country trying to make the case.”

As additional allegations emerged, he offered a more unequivocal apology.

“What they experienced was absolutely unacceptable and certainly not what a progressive campaign — or any campaign — should be about,” Sanders said Jan. 10 on Capitol Hill. “Every woman in this country who goes to work today or tomorrow has the right to make sure that she is working in an environment which is free of harassment, which is safe and is comfortable, and I will do my best to make that happen.”


Associated Press writer Steve Peoples in New York contributed to this report.
暴走的赫胥黎 2019-2-20 14:46:31 美國現有最左翼總統候選人

黃色多瑙河 2019-2-20 15:09:42 Don't like socialist
暴走的赫胥黎 2019-2-20 16:35:36 push
暴走的赫胥黎 2019-2-20 16:38:56 咁要視乎你講邊個政策啦




當然你可以從sustainability方面質疑medicare for all嘅
暴走的赫胥黎 2019-2-20 16:52:37 push


憤怒的艾迪 2019-2-20 17:02:06 http://feelthebern.org/

Sanders咪又係一個中間偏左既social democrat
憤怒的艾迪 2019-2-20 17:14:17 對華政策

1. 反中國不平等貿易協議
2. 反中國增強軍武
3. 反中國不人道政策 e.g. 支持西藏


靐靐靐靐靐靐靐靐 2019-2-20 17:15:08 此回覆已被刪除
遠阪凜 2019-2-20 17:21:07 支持西藏唔支持台灣香港你貼都係托咩
憤怒的艾迪 2019-2-20 17:27:34 冇人問佢,所以佢冇比過答案

leChronique 2019-2-20 17:33:47 屌 選前口講反對有撚用咩
健談高佬 2019-2-20 17:35:53 你點睇 不如評論下?
土木膠程師 2019-2-20 17:36:20
牙東囝(新會然) 2019-2-20 17:37:09 左膠嚟過喎
殘酷天使 2019-2-20 17:38:23 佢選到既話 美國都應該可以順便宣布埋自己係世界第二


健談高佬 2019-2-20 17:41:22 咁幾正喎 反華既左翼自由主義者 唔似以前啲民主派包容埋人地啲極權政治
殘酷天使 2019-2-20 17:44:32 左翼講你信?
憤怒的艾迪 2019-2-20 17:48:42 你咪睇佢投既票既track record囉
暴走的赫胥黎 2019-2-20 17:54:40 明明佢嘅政策放響歐洲根本唔算左