C朗仔 2019-2-20 21:34:47 個mentality 就係 朗狗場撚場夢遊

屌你老母 都好既 繼續用繼續爆


錢我大把 2019-2-20 21:38:05 睇完佢呢句我真燥咗
我寧願隊波繼續爆 快D炒
Zoo.Kepa 2019-2-20 21:38:10 最起碼上場都唔關mentality事啦
Zoo.Kepa 2019-2-20 21:40:24 今時今日仲講mentality 快d炒!!!!
港毒之父 2019-2-20 21:41:30 此回覆已被刪除
戀愛幸運曲奇 2019-2-20 21:42:37 如果佢係真心既
Carefree 2019-2-20 21:44:41 如果當初法比無走,喺佐狗唔掂嗰陣用法比正選,頭 60 分鐘叫佢踢 Sarriball,入唔到波就變陣等法比搵機會 killer pass,有無得諗?算係大部分時間用佢套 philosophy 但又有啲 flexibility

利申:從來都唔覺法比有野差過佐狗,兩個都係防守 = 0,但法比 vision 頂級而且識向前傳,需要時可打上一格,護波都稍為好過佐狗;話法比半季好波嘅話,佐狗又有無四分一季好波?
加利卡希爾BB 2019-2-20 21:48:25 支持沙利返去打寫字樓工
錢我大把 2019-2-20 21:52:46 其實佢自己嘅mentality先係最大間題
柔道龍虎榜 2019-2-20 21:53:25 Rudiger on learning Sarri's football "If you sit in school the whole time and listen to someone, of course it gets mentally [tiring] but you have to do your job." #CFC
Carefree 2019-2-20 21:55:20 今季佢除左佐狗一個(同埋半季斜恩)之外,仲有邊個識踢佢嗰套?

佢有心想喺度實現長遠踢 Sarriball,即係好似高普/哥迪奧拿咁嘅話,今季就應該對強隊踢防反,對弱旅先試 Sarriball,捱到下個轉會/pre-season 再買啱嘅人同練一兩個幻幻去踢佢嗰套

不過宜家個個都叫 Sarri out,太遲喇


毒撚簡迪 2019-2-20 21:57:14 跟本無試過用最適合既人踢佢所謂既進攻足球
柔道龍虎榜 2019-2-20 21:59:21 Rudiger on Sarri's criticism of players: "You say things you don't mean out of emotions. Sometimes with the results it is hard to take. You then say things in a different way." He says he doesn't think the coach meant to criticise so harshly but that he didn't apologise
水長流 2019-2-20 22:00:31 魯迪加:屌你老母 要讀書我讀大學啦
Zoo.Kepa 2019-2-20 22:00:32 上場下半場佢直頭好似放棄左咁
Banananana 2019-2-20 22:00:52 打傳控長出巴克利同朗 都唔知沙狗個腦裝乜
猶其係巴克利 佢打防反足球都未必打得掂 偏偏打Sorryball可以壓住高華碩同切

以上兩條友好明顯能力出事 仲死撐話mental problem
Carefree 2019-2-20 22:13:40 巴鳩利成日控幾野先控到個波,之後就禁區外鳩射

印象 2019-2-20 22:15:12 死攬球員其他教練都有,
印象 2019-2-20 22:16:51 沙利唔等於進攻足球
Damien_Duff 2019-2-20 22:19:13 帶埋佐真奴先好走呀仆街
柔道龍虎榜 2019-2-20 22:21:23 Rudiger says it is fair to say Chelsea lack leaders, but only compared to what went before: "To replace John Terry who was a captain here is hard. You can't cook a leader. At the end of the day, we have to follow in the footsteps of these players." 


柔道龍虎榜 2019-2-20 22:21:39 Rudiger didn't protect Sarri much as he could have done, which I found interesting. Most players I have spoken to up until now have done so. Not that he wasn't professional, affable and full of insight.
印象 2019-2-20 22:26:31 即係一日有你,落後緊,係永遠唔會換前鋒入嚟,
陳樹鵬(阿鵬) 2019-2-20 22:31:24 落後緊應該換個龍門傷黎 好似係
陳樹鵬(阿鵬) 2019-2-20 22:32:48
Sarri: "The system is a false problem. I know that when we lose I have to put a striker on the pitch, when we win I have to put a defender on the pitch, but I want to see football in another way"

Sarri says he had a harder time in Italy's lower leagues than at Chelsea now
落後緊應該換個龍門入黎 好似係