Jamieson 2019-2-27 20:48:40 嗰次賣唔過travis 之後打俾travis話個no. 1 belongs to her
其實真心肉酸 好唔queen


tun 2019-2-27 20:59:02 點解要打比佢 仲要比人知
tun 2019-2-27 21:05:19 Lady Gaga calls out Oscar's gendered categories & wishes that award shows would not only be 'male or female'.

"I have a true dream in our future, as we evolve as humanity, that these award shows will not be male and female, but that we include everyone." - 25 Feb, 2019
唔好侮辱維尼 2019-2-27 21:08:36 乜有人話要一見踩Cardi就負皮咩



tun 2019-2-27 21:10:04 Miley Cyrus, The 1975, Little Mix, Mabel, Zara Larsson & Khalid will be headlining Radio 1’s #BigWeekend in Middlesbrough on May 25th & 26th.
唔好侮辱維尼 2019-2-27 21:16:12 果陣佢真係失哂控
唔好侮辱維尼 2019-2-27 21:17:16 果陣大家都冇撐佢喎
tun 2019-2-27 21:19:51 聽聞呢個ac係album出之前tweet過dress同don’t blame me嘅lyrics 比Big Machine send過takedown notice

唔好侮辱維尼 2019-2-27 21:22:34
likekidsloveyou 2019-2-27 21:28:45 agger
快樂夢工場 2019-2-27 21:31:29


tun 2019-2-27 21:46:53 佢話新碟風格會唔同 所以我覺得都可以期待下
likekidsloveyou 2019-2-27 22:07:11 Norah Jones - It Was You
未聽慣 暫時覺得It Was You同Wintertime比較易入耳

Mark Ronson - Valerie (feat. Amy Winehouse)
likekidsloveyou 2019-2-27 22:07:51 更正 Norah Jones - Just A Little Bit
Andrewディ 2019-2-27 22:16:13 直頭痴撚左線
TroyeSivan18 2019-2-27 23:15:55 其實果次佢咁嬲係因為billboard改制度
但係queen冇得計 所以nicki覺得應該今個星期大家都冇得計掛我諗 打去比travis佢都承認左nicki應該#1 但後尾乜都冇做之餘仲要繼續落力賣merch谷銷量 所以nicki先罵travis 大家都唔計merch嘅話queen係賣得多
利申:唔憎travis 但其實nicki都真係慘 咁岩果次比人改制
牛愛行後樓梯 2019-2-27 23:18:25 Valerie係舊歌黎 可能近排先upload official mv
tun 2019-2-28 00:26:01 Taylor Swift will be appearing at the 2019 iHeart Radio Music Awards. She is set to receive the “Tour of the Year” Award for her “reputation Stadium Tour”.
tun 2019-2-28 00:26:44 For the first time since 2013, Lady Gaga is the current #1 artist on YouTube as she received over 17.3 MILLION global views yesterday!
likekidsloveyou 2019-2-28 00:28:42 反而想知amy有冇啲私家demo或者unreleased songs
what a fking true legend at a young age!!!!!!!
tun 2019-2-28 00:28:59 Following its Oscar win, a new version of “A Star is Born” will return to theaters for one week only starting on March 1st.

The new version will feature a previously unreleased song titled “Clover” performed by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper.


tun 2019-2-28 00:32:17 First confirmed performers for the iHeartRadio Music Awards:

Ariana Grande
Kacey Musgraves
Garth Brooks
John Legend
Alicia Keys
If.U.Seek.Amy 2019-2-28 00:32:19 推到嚟亞洲啦
If.U.Seek.Amy 2019-2-28 00:32:45 Amy有嗰啲好似都出晒
If.U.Seek.Amy 2019-2-28 00:34:35 嗰陣時其實都有人話過Nicki依然係Queen唔會care名次呢啲嘢嚟撐住先嘅
但係其實Travis喺VMA嗰台度大嗌No.1 Album串翻Nicki喎