likekidsloveyou 2019-2-26 21:57:22 幾時先
reputation loop唔夠一年就厭咗


tun 2019-2-26 22:21:19 好似夏天前會首單
Jamieson 2019-2-26 22:24:30 Justice for Getaway Car
likekidsloveyou 2019-2-26 22:33:36 我有啲懷疑蛇后係倒數緊七日有啲重要野宣布
前日7棵樹 尋日第6格樓梯 今日5個窿... 過多四日就宣布new album title and cover

不過新era嘅marketing都應該唔夠rep era刪ig再連續po蛇片攞到咁多attention
愛含者 2019-2-26 22:34:42 成隻碟最正依首,但唔拎黎做SINGLE
likekidsloveyou 2019-2-26 22:35:42 笑死 之前Joseph Kahn仲係twitter爆料話拍緊nice things video

同埋佢成個era最差嘅一件事就係出咗ready for it mv
flop撚到 又唔好睇又冇views電台又唔播 晒曬啲budget
愛含者 2019-2-26 22:38:24 但係隻歌做promotional single果時空降第四wo
likekidsloveyou 2019-2-26 22:39:26 唉令我諗返起當年Begin Again空降第七 之後flop曬
爵士是未來 2019-2-26 22:43:36 今年有望新生代五大Diva都一齊出碟
likekidsloveyou 2019-2-26 22:44:27 yes...但你個名...
Jamieson 2019-2-26 22:46:08 倒數最後嗰日係星期五


愛含者 2019-2-26 22:49:43 佢自己都好似放棄左隻碟咁

爵士是未來 2019-2-26 22:49:57 Jazz碟唔係碟?
一直是一個人 2019-2-27 01:08:07 知名影星Rita Ora


tun 2019-2-27 01:17:35 7 RINGS - Julie Andrews feat. the Von Trapp Queens (Ariana Grande Parody)

tun 2019-2-27 01:22:13 IFPI'S TOP 10 GLOBAL RECORDING ARTISTS OF 2018:

1. Drake
2. BTS
3. Ed Sheeran
4. Post Malone
5. Eminem
6. Queen
7. Imagine Dragons
8. Ariana Grande
9. Lady Gaga
10. Bruno Mars
tun 2019-2-27 01:28:57 Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper's "Shallow” has sold over 43K copies on the US iTunes in the past 24 hours. The last song to achieve this milestone in 24 hours was Taylor Swift's “Look What You Made Me Do” (2017).
tun 2019-2-27 01:38:53 Shallow極有可能下週升返上BB100 top5
tun 2019-2-27 01:45:35 Janet Jackson Launching Las Vegas Residency in May.
tun 2019-2-27 01:52:13 Fan theories say Taylor Swift is counting down the days until the new era begins. This coincides with the date on her calendar that has a flower printed on it.

Taylor Swift’s producer, Ryan Tedder, has changed his Twitter header to a picture of palm trees. This goes along with the aesthetics of Taylor’s recent posts
######### 2019-2-27 01:55:34 此回覆已被刪除


tun 2019-2-27 01:57:20 Prediction個ac話如果Oscars effect keep到個勢嘅話dethrone 7 rings都唔係冇可能 但前提Shallow個表現一定要keep住咁stable
tun 2019-2-27 02:05:18 ???
LittleTail 2019-2-27 02:07:52

tun 2019-2-27 02:10:33 We are going to support