夏灣拿男孩 2019-2-25 12:50:07 Shallow肯discount on iTunes+Oscar效應streaming+sales去衝BB HOT 100未


DLLMOL79 2019-2-25 12:53:06
tun 2019-2-25 12:54:25 就算衝都唔會有新peak 最多去返top20
DLLMOL79 2019-2-25 12:54:35 365 ERA IS ENDED
tun 2019-2-25 12:54:57

快樂夢工場 2019-2-25 12:58:38 Avril呢
If.U.Seek.Amy 2019-2-25 12:59:31 我就唔信喇
tun 2019-2-25 13:01:42 Maybe top 20/25


Hong Kong Album sales:

#3. Head Above Water (DEBUT)
快樂夢工場 2019-2-25 13:02:53 香港都咁樣

:’( 2019-2-25 13:04:52 Japanese Albums (Oricon) 7
Japanese Hot Albums (Billboard Japan) 3
:’( 2019-2-25 13:05:45 台灣好似1


If.U.Seek.Amy 2019-2-25 13:06:58 deserved
If.U.Seek.Amy 2019-2-25 13:08:21 其實今次亞洲對Avril已經算係親生女待遇
tun 2019-2-25 13:10:02 所以Tour應該嚟多啲亞洲地區 例如香港
likekidsloveyou 2019-2-25 13:10:24
:’( 2019-2-25 13:11:14 冇hit song 都sell到咁算係咁

tun 2019-2-25 13:13:53
tun 2019-2-25 13:24:24 Lady Gaga is wearing The Tiffany Yellow Diamond - worth $30 MILLION. The necklace was famously last worn by Audrey Hepburn.
Jamieson 2019-2-25 13:37:16
E•MO•TION 2019-2-25 14:05:16 但其實留鬚嘅佢先係normal version
Poc 2019-2-25 14:21:48


宇宙滾豆 2019-2-25 14:27:12
tun 2019-2-25 15:09:22 "Shallow", the #1 song on iTunes USA, currently has a 70% lead than the #2 song "Always Remember Us This Way"!⁠ ⁠

All songs from 'A Star Is Born' have risen dramatically in sales & Gaga is currently the ONLY artist with 3 songs in the Top 10.
tun 2019-2-25 15:12:14

tun 2019-2-25 15:13:49 Ellie YAAAAASSS